Cup #56

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They say you don't realize how strong you are
Until being strong is the only choice you have

Sometimes we forget the power we have
To make our lives something
To create a legacy out of it
To acknowledge its purpose
But there are the rare ones who have harnessed the power
To end theirs

Like an author choosing to finish the thought

But we can't blame the author
The author simply didn't know how to carry on the idea anymore
So ending it can appear to make the most logical sense

It's a fight
I know

God, it's just a battle
To choose life
You know you want it
You know you want to smile
You know you want all of its joys
And splendors
And sunsets
And kisses
And adventures
And its beauty that can only be captured in imagination

But it can be so difficult
When the duality is not balanced

When you can feel the pain
And the shame
And the guilt
And the fear
And the confusion
And the belief that you are not enough
And no matter what you do
You're just a name on a rock in the end
And every big action
Is just insignificant to the eyes of the universe

Why would you want to keep writing?
The sentence couldn't get get any worse
It's not contributing anything to the story
So raise the white flag
So just complete the thought


But who will that help?
You can't possibly end the pain
You know it will only pass on to someone else
You know it
You see it
Through the tears of your mother as she stands over your casket
Through the restless nights of your best friend who hates herself for not noticing it sooner
Through the cries of those who truly love you
Because of all you've done for them

You think you didn't make an impact?
You've done the exact opposite, friend

You chose life
You chose to tell your thought
Your idea
Your purpose
You may not stand out
But you caught someone's eye

You made someone smile each time they see see your handwriting tattooed on their skin
You made someone keep a letter taped over their bed because you're a role model to him
You gave someone a year of happiness and affection that has prompted them to do the same for other

Those small things have big impacts
That butterfly of an idea
Make people believe in greatness from you
They want to hear more about what you have to offer

So don't forget your worth
And your impact
And your purpose

And even when it seems like the sentence can't go on anymore, keep writing your story and never doubt your butterfly-sized actions;

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