Cup #10

48 2 0

I should be happy.

But why am I not?

I have so much goodness in my life.

It's really a lot.

But why must I stress,

To even smile.

Even life's pleasures

Aren't worth the while.

Maybe I can meditate,

Or ponder for a day.

Just let me leave

This world for a day.

Something's not right,

The purity is gone.

Will dusk still forgive me

When I fail at dawn?

I have so much,

To give thanksgiving,

But I am inexcusably ignorant

To the gifts that are living.

Forgive me please,

I wish to thirst more,

I want to see the good

And love that's in store.

I know there is hope.

The artesian source is close.

Just give me some time,

I need it the most.

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