Cup #52

42 3 0

She reminds me of me.
So innocent. without worry.
She knows nothing of the catastrophe
That life will push her into

She is older now, and much wiser.
Not by choice, no. But by experience.
Pain. Grief. Acceptance.
She reminds me of me.

Did we ask to be twisted around like twine?
To be forced into denial, anxiety, and shame?
We have been broken and have been shown
The ways to hate, cheat, and destroy. But...

We choose to show love
In the most screwed up way we can
Because we know we aren't perfect
But the hate stays within us.

She may forget to love
I may forget to stay and talk
But it's not to hurt you the way we have been.
It's by our own damaged hearts.

Just as children learn, we are in that process.
A step at a time, we are changing.
To share more than steal.
So that we may become the future

We hope to see in this world.

Never wish to rush, make time for others.
Die with memories, not dreams.
It's so easy to destroy and hurt and hate,
But let's make an effort, to stay utterly...



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