Chapter 12~ The Start Of Something New?

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(Interview with Steve Harvey)

(Louis' P.O.V.)

As the usual interview standard, the boys and I are squeezed together on the same couch. Usually, we are fine with this procedure, but due to events lately, it's a little uncomfortable. I haven't told Harry about Liam's er, stepping stone with Stormie.

Zayn and I sorted it out, about handling the heated air between Harry, Liam, and Niall. Harry was to sit at the far end, I would sit in between him and Niall, and Zayn was going to sit in between Niall and Liam.

As usual procedure, Steve says hello to the crowd, announces us, we walk out, crowd goes berserk. Fake smiles plastered across our faces as we went and shook Harvey's hand, then sat down in our planned positions.

"Good morning gentlemen, how are y'all today?" Harvey asks us, with some real and some forced enthusiasm. For some reason, I couldn't stop staring at his mustache, and wondering if I would be able to sport one. We all nodded polietly "yes" in answer.

 "So, gentlemen, you folks gotta 'hole month off. What are ya gunna do during this time?" He asked us, in that accent I noticed a lot of people who live in the southern part of the States carry. He flashed his big white smile to reassure us.

"Well Steve, we probably won't do much, since a friend of ours is in the hospital," Zayn stated, clearing his throat. I shot him a dirty look, this wasn't in the plan. So far he was being pretty daring for bending the rules.

"Aw shucks man, how is your friend?" Harvey asked us, face full of concern. He really was being genuine.

"Well, she just woke up from a coma yesterday, and we haven't visited her yet today. I don't know  how she's doing right now, because one of her closest friends is nowhere to be seen, and the other walked out on her on an arguement," Zayn  grimaced. Now I get his plan. Revenge.

"Her friend is nowhere to be seen, and her other friend walked out on her?!?!" Harvey exclaimed, his animated eyes wide, "Well that's quite the downer," He added. We all nodded.

"Now what's this young missus' name?" Harvey gently asks us.

"Her name's Alyssa, but she prefers Stormie. We think Stormie is her middle name," Harry finally spoke, and there was a new intensity in his voice. Liam and Niall nodded, with equal intensity. This sparked a curiosity in Harvey.

"You like her don't 'cha Styles?" Harvey asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

 After a long period of silence, Harry speaks up.



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