Chapter 7 ~ Crushing Hard.

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Woot woot. almost a 100 reads total! yay! thanks. and Baylee, you're just gonna have to be patient. mwahahaha. Follow me on twitter- ItsDaniBro17 and instagram-its_danielle_aye.

Enjoy loves,


~Chapter 7~ (Louis' P.O.V)

The lads were being a little overly hyper tonight, so I decided to just take a midnight stroll around the hallways. My knee was still a little sore from whoever kicked the door earlier.

Whoever the mystery voice was, it sounded like a girl, and I liked her attitude.

I heard a female's voice curse, and I heard loud footsteps.

"Hey! You! HEY!" I heard the same voice yell, obviously directed towards me.

Oddly yet, it was the same voice that I was overhearing, and that had kicked the door.

She spun towards me, as I turned around on my heels. She couldn't stop herself in time, and crashed into me, the both of us falling over.

I managed to slide out from her, and I managed to get a glimpse of her face. Piercing aquamarine eyes, red hair, quite attractive.

Her face was flushed, which I probably guessed that she was embarrassed.

I helped her up, and she mumbled a quick thanks. I smiled. She titled her head up, and looked at me in the eyes.

I noticed she had these gorgeous sculpted high cheekbones. There was a hint of confusion across her face. Then recognition slowly dawned across her lovely face.

"You're from that boyband right? Nice to erm, meet you," She said, face turning as red as her hair. She stuck a hand out, "I don't bite," she added. I chuckled, and shook her hand.

"Obviously, you know my name. So what's your name love?" I asked, flashing a cheeky grin. She smiled mysteriously.

"Nobody," She replied, winking. Oh feisty, are we?

"C'monnn, you know you want to tell me your name!" I pleaded, prodding her on the side. She giggled, but she shook her head.

Stubborn girl.

"But in all seriousness, can you help me find my room? I forgot my money and my room pass," She asked me, her voice losing it's cheekiness.

"Sure. But are you that lad who kicked me and my mates' door?" I asked, pouting slightly. Her face grew red, and she narrowed her eyes.

"You're the eavesdropper? And my friends and I are staying across from your room?" She snapped, crossing her arms. She has a temper, I thought. I like it.

I led her to her room, but I stopped her in her tracks.

"First, I'd like for you to meet my mates. Then I'll allow for you to get your stuff and get whatever you needed to get in this hour. No protesting!" I sang, as I unlocked the door. She scowled, but I dragged her lazy bum into the flat.

"Boys, look who I found in the hallway!" I said cheerfully, spreading my arms toward the girl. She raised an eyebrow.

(Stormie's P.O.V.)

So I got dragged by the British boy into his room that he was sharing with his friends, and he presented me as if I were on a game show.

Great, just great.

The black haired boy rose up from his seat. He walked forward, and shook my hand shyly.

"I'm Zayn. You've met Louis, and he normally doesn't just bring girls to our flats," He murmured, chuckling. I lifted my head slightly. He drew backwards.

A blonde boy with some brown undergrowth bounced forward. His hair was messily spread across his forehead, and his blue eyes shone brightly.

"I'm Niall! Pleased to meet you!" The Irish boy almost screamed in my ear. I wonder if he had any energy drink? Or he's just this naturally bubbly?

A tall boy stepped forward. He had an adorable innocent face, one that reminded of a puppy. He smiled, his big brown eyes sparkled in the light.

"I'm Liam, delighted to meet you," He said politely, winking as he pulled backwards. I already liked him.

Then another tall boy sauntered forward. He had this thick head of curls, shiny and it reminded me of chocolate chips for some odd reason.

For a moment, I was lost when I looked into his green eyes. They were breathtaking, and I could look into them all day long. He had this cute little crooked smile, and these adorable dimples.

What was I thinking? I just met him! I screamed to myself in my head.

"And I'm Harry. It-it-it's nice to-to erm, meet you," He stammered, in that deep, slow accent of his. I noticed his cheeks blossomed to a bright red.

I caught Louis smirking. I narrowed my eyes at him. He stuck his tongue out in return. Very immature, I thought. But I sent him a sarcastic grin in return.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

When Louis came back, with a girl, I thought he was seriously out of his mind. I couldn't even get a good look at her until the lads finished introducing thenselves.

Finally, it had been my turn. When I walked forward, it was like the planet stopped revolving.

Blimey, she was tall. And breathtaking. I mean, think of the perfect woman, and multiply her a million times. That was her. Her cheekbones, looked like they were perfectly sculpted. Her hair, oh so glossy, and a perfect shade of crimson.

When she lifted her head a little, she revealed a pair of dazzling, piercing aquamarine eyes. Long, thick eyelashes framed her perfect large eyes.

I sauntered forward, and smiled, revealing my dimples. I caught her eyes drift downwards them. I laughed in my mind.

"And I'm Harry. It-it-it's nice to-to erm, meet you," I stammered, blushing in my slow speed. Goddamn it Harry, you just looked like a bloody idiot! I thought.

" So do you have a name?" Niall asked her, flirtatiously. I frowned. She smiled sweetly.

"She says it's nobody," Louis obnoxiously butts in, a wry smile on his face.

"He's damn straight wrong. It's not nobody," The girl says, winking at Niall. I feel a pang of jealousy in my stomach.

I shouldn't be getting jealous. I just met her five minutes ago. She walks forward, in between Niall and Liam.

"My name's Stormie, and it's not my real name, it's my middle name, and I prefer it over my real name." She says, flirtatiously towards Niall.

Stormie. Huh.

I hear a buzzing sound, and it's coming from Stormie's pocket. Frowning, she pulls her phone out to read her text message.

"Shit! I have to go, but it was nice meeting you boys. We'll probably see each other soon," She says, in a rushed tone.

She flies out of the door, to the door right across from us. She's a neighbor. A warm feeling started to spread in my stomach.

I know I just met her, but I think I'm starting to fancy her.

Unforgettableजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें