Chapter 5~ New Perpectives & Faces.

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Yep. Here it is again. Need I to refresh your memory, we had a very small look into Eden's eyes. Living on her own with her own brother is no easy task. So, after this chapter or the next chapter, things should be picking up. I know everything's already intense, as I quote my best friend, INTENSE BRO *puts on gangsta face* lolololololololol COMMENT/VOTE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Enjoy,  Dani      

~Chapter 5~ (Stormie's P.O.V.)

 It had been two weeks since my parents and I swore to make up. Things have been getting a little better now in my life. I'm on spring break now, thank god. Exams last week almost made me commit suicide. I've slowly been growing back to my old self, except I have a new issue. I freak out whenever anyone touches me. So basically, I have OCD about when it comes to private spaces. Oh joy.    

 Last week, Rydar got her college acceptance letters. She got rejected from Yale, but she got into Colombia University. Honestly, I'm proud of the girl. But it's a little sad to hear that we'll both be going our separate ways. I've known her since I was fifteen. Hell, we met in the most awkward place we could be. The showers after swim practice.

    ~Flashback (Three Years Ago)~  

   I towel dried my light brown hair, grinning at the boys, who were dancing the chicken dance in the shallow end of the pool. I found Eden, who was chatting to the swim coach. I grinned evilly. Makenna eyed me suspiciously. I made a shushing motion.

   With my towel, I used it to make a wild tangled mess of my hair. I pulled some strands and brought it to my face. Then I hunched my shoulders forward, sticking out what ever stomach I could jut forward. I scrunched my face up into a grimace. Arms sticking out, walking stiffly as I walked to Eden's back. Everyone was watching, even the boys who were dancing the chicken dance. I let out a very wild, scary roar in Eden's ears.

   She turned around, and screamed, terrified. Not expecting this, she shoved me into the pool. I popped my head above the water, spluttering.  

 "You little psycho arsehead! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Eden screamed, her face red.

  "I know. That's what I was going for. And I'm not that little you know." I muttered under my breath, climbing out of the pool. I caught a glimpse of a girl with long purplish black waves laughing, wiping away tears at us.

   Eden scowled, and pointed to the showers. She shook her head in the direction, acknowledging me to take a shower. I stuck my tongue out at her, as I walked past her. I walked in the locker room, surprised to see that it was empty. I started peeling my swimsuit off, completely naked and out in the open. I grabbed my toiletries, clothes, and some fluffy white towels.

  Finally I shut the water off. Unfortunately, I had water in my eyes, and I could not see very well. Then I remembered that I had left my towels outside the shower. Shaking my head at how stupid I was, I was praying that no one was in the locker room. I ripped open the curtains not only to find my towels, but a stark naked girl with glossy purplish black hair.

 I cursed and she turned around. We stood there, stark naked, and facing each other. I recognized her as the girl who was laughing so hard at Eden and I. I mumbled for my towels, and she handed them to me. I immediately wrapped myself in the towels. But she just stood there casually, not minding that she was still naked, and I could see it.

 I receded backwards, inching towards the stack of my stuff in the corner. She raised an eyebrow. Then she walked forward. We repeated until she literally had me cornered. I scowled. I was ready to scream bloody murder, until she opened her mouth.

  "I'm Rydar. Rydar Applegate. I'm new here." She said, sticking a hand out. She had a thick accent, I couldn't put my finger on it.  She smiled. She tilted her head at me, examing my face.

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