Chapter 4~Bitter Grudges.

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Sorry if it took a while, but here it is! Honestly, I don't have a whole lotta reads and all, but I'm still doing it 'cos it's fun to do. Yeah, the chapters are kind of short, and all, but in the near future, I promise you that they'll be long.


Enjoy,                                                                                                                                                                                   Dani

~Chapter 4~ (Stormie's P.O.V.)

Rydar, Eden, and Tanner shot me funny looks as they walked past me, and down the stairs. I turned to Dad.

"So now, out of the blue, you guys want to talk to me? What do you guys want?" I snapped, shooting Dad one of my death glares. He raised his hands in defense.

"It's rather important. The thought just came to us today. We would've talked to you earlier, but you seemed busy with your friends." He said sheepishly. I shook my head in fury.

"Oh, It didn't seem like I was "busy with my friends" right now, huh?" I asked sarcastically, " I repeat, what do you want?"

 My mother walked in. I let her off the steam most of the time, because she had suffered some brain damage in the accident. But right now, I was livid. They had months, just to say something, just to do something, they probably had some things to say, but they couldn't look at me. Couldn't touch me. And now, they have something to say? That's wrong.

  My mother pulled my desk chair over, and sat down on it. Then my dad grabbed a stool, and sat upon it as well. I had no choice, but to sit on the edge of my bed. I crossed my arms, staring at them with bitter anger.

"We know about the concert. It's all the way in Chicago. Originally, we would've said no, but your sister convinced us, reminding by then, you would be legal. I know Eden Wrycross and Rydar Applegate are of age as well. We found a nice little timeshare that you could crash while you're there." Mom squeaked softly.

My eyes widened. I was sitting there frozen with shock.

"You're joking right? I can't just let you guys pay for it!" I hissed, shaking my head disapprovingly.

"We own the specific timeshare/hotel room. It really wouldn't cost us anything, it's just sitting there." Mom said in a matter of fact tone.  I still shook my head.

"But what about transportation? Gas prices are rather pricey!" I yelled, jumping up to my feet.

"Why are you making such a fuss over this? Honestly, we thought you would accept it right away!" Dad asked, astonished at my behavior. I stood there, incredulous.

"I'm not that stupid little teenager I was seven months ago! I've changed! Losing my only sibling, and almost losing my parents? My parents, not even looking at me? How do you expect me to react, my parents just being giving all of a sudden. I have to admit, I've turned quite the bitter grudge towards you two!" I spat, shaking with anger. I suppose my face matched my hair, probably making me look like a chili pepper. The very thought amused me.

"We feel, sorry. It's our way of saying sorry. We know you were, well, obessed with that boyband. Same follows with your older sister. We thought you know, to honor her presence, that you go." Mom murmured.

"Does that mean I can have my parents back? I missed you guys." I whispered, hugging myself. I felt vulnerable, and I hated it. To my immense joy, my parents hugged me.

But I wasn't ready to forgive them yet.


(Eden's P.O.V.)

    Honestly, I worry about that girl. For seven months, she's been mourning, she's turned bitter, hostile. Not the girl I used to know. She used to be extremely hyper, to the point it would be sometimes be a little annoying. She was hilarious, sassy, dirty minded, a drama queen, crazy, wierd. She had applied for some good colleges, but she still hadn't gotten the letters. One of the colleges she had applied for, was a college in England. We both applied for it. We wanted to go to the University of Oxford.

  Another thing about Stormie, was she was gorgeous. Now she hides behind depressing clothes and a miserable aura. Now not to come off as an lesbian, she has these gorgeous eyes that anyone can get lost in. The shade of the brightest aquamarine you could think of. Her smile's contagious. People (including myself) die for Storm's legs and body. Stormie isn't her real name. It's actually her middle name, but she prefers using it as her first.

  I sighed, as I walked out of the study of my home. I have my own flat, that I share with my older brother. I moved out a couple of months ago, to flee the hands of my abusive father. Yep, what a dramatic plot to my life. I have an abusive father, and a drug addict of a mother. I've put up with them for my whole life. Finally, my brother and I, put our foot down, scraped what we had saved up over the years and from our jobs, and found our own flat to share. It's actually rather roomy, and I managed to liven it up. My brother, he works for a rather successful bank. He has the position of the manager's assistant. I work part-time for a nearby Starbucks.

I sat in the living room, watching the clock. My brother's never been this late before. I'm rather worried. I sit on the purple couch, fidgeting with my fingers, fidgeting with the hem of my shorts. Where are you Dallas? I thought. My brother was named after the city in Texas, just because he was born there. Not cool.

11:37 PM

He's still not home. I pull out my cellphone and dial his cell. 1,2,3 rings go by. Just when I'm about to hit voicemail, he picks up. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Eden? Whazzgoiinon?" He askes, sounding dazed.

"Where are you? It's almost quarter to midnight! I'm scared Dal." I whimper on the phone.

"Wait what?" He pauses for a minute. I can hear voices in the background, " Oh shit! I'm sorry Edes, boss made me count interest rates and all that stuff! You know how the economy's been. I'll be home in thirty minutes!" He yells frantically on the phone.

I let out a deep sigh, going back to watching the clock. My eyelids start to grow heavy. Before I know it, my head hits the armrest of the couch, and I fall fast asleep.


So you guys got to hear a little bit of Eden. She hasn't had the world's happiest life either. Wow, I'm sounding like she is real. I guess when you write, and you become deep into it, you become one with the passage. Whoah, that sounded deep. Lmaoo. Anyone seen the new LWWY? I LOVE IT.

Visit my page (I'm not the sole owner) on facebook. We post stuff for teens and yeah

Over and out,


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