April 15th,1912(PT2)

61 2 3

T.W: character death.

[There will be 1-3/4 parts outta this]


Patton shivered as Logan stared off into the dark void,what time was it?...Where were they?..was Logan dead?..he felt numb..painfully numb..no..he wasn't dead..he could still hear the water..that's right.. he heard the water.. the ship..the iceberg..lifeboats..they were in the North Atlantic..Patton..Patton was in his arms..was Patton alive?..do dead bodies shiver?..no..he hoped they didn't.. he really..hoped they didn't..

His hands were numb and his face was stiff..he couldn't move...it was too cold, how long had they been there?...were they going to die out here?..alone...in the cold..and dark..it was scary..Patton didn't know if Logan was dead...Logan was stiff..as if frozen..while  Logan didn't know if Patton was dead.


Roman clutched Virgil tighter as he slept,he had fallen asleep a few hours ago and Virgil stayed awake, just incase someone found them..hopefully..someone will find them.

Where was Janus?..was Janus ok?, Virgil questioned,letting his mind roam around to keep his mind off the cold. While Roman was dreaming peacefully, forgetting about the tragic accident that had happened before him.


Janus sighed shakily, hugging himself and humming a song he'd learnt to himself, he was sure someone on this lifeboat was already a goner.

At least he was safe, but the worst part of being out of the water and still by the reckage?..They had a light, a single light lit by a crew member before they got inside the lifeboat..which meant they could see..he could look into the ocean...

He could see the bodies..they were frozen..most of them were men..some were children..a few were mothers..holding onto their child and floating on a single chair. It scared him,he'd be lying if he said he wasn't going to have problems after this..traumatic problems.

Janus looked around, still seeing bodies, some floating off down to the bottom of the ocean..he noticed some people on his lifeboat awake, and the crew member,looking around and onto the lifeboat at the people.

Janus turned his head back to the ocean, he then noticed something...someone.."no..no..no...no..please no" he whispered as the lifeboat went closer to the body.



Logan sat there, looking into the ocean until he heard something "Is anyone there!?!" Someone exclaimed, someone was there..someone was looking for them.

"We're he--" Logan cut himself off by coughing,he hadn't spoken for hours..it hurt.
Logan then built his voice up and practically screamed "WE'RE HERE!!" He yelled, grabbing onto a hopefully sleeping and shivering Patton.

A flashlight flashed into his face shortly after and he was helped onto a lifeboat with Patton, being given a blanket to warm himself up,but he gave it to Patton, who stopped shivering shortly after.

They stayed on the lifeboat for a while as the rescue crew went back to the ship, which Logan noticed as the 'RMS Carpathia', he woke Patton up as they neared the ship "Patton..Patton wake up.."

Patton sat up and rubbed his eyes "Lo..gan?...what?...are we..on..a.." Patton said,slowly regestering what was going on "Lifeboat?Correct. Someone found us after the crew went looking for survivors...don't worry..we're safe now" Logan muttered, Patton smiled, he'd get emotional and regester it later, but for now..he was cold.

Logan and Patton were helped onto the ship, then giving warm drinks and blankets, then giving a seat each to them, before the lifeboats left and came back with more survivors,being treated similarly to Patton and Logan.

Patton sooned registered what was going on and began crying in happiness, Patton hugged Logan as he did back,but more weakly."We made it Lo..we lived.." Patton said through tears, Logan nodded and smiled "we did.." he said, smiling at Patton.

"Lo..you're freezing oh my..how did i not notice! Come here" Patton said,wrapping Logan in his give blanket as he held onto his own. Logan nodded "i'm fine..but alright.." Logan muttered.

Patton smiled and hugged Logan, he had stopped crying but he wanted to..he hoped that child he saved was ok..he'd cry if someone he'd tried to help had passed away. Patton removed those thoughts and just focused on warming himself and Logan up.

Soon enough,Logan fell asleep, he had stayed up for four/five hours in the freezing cold and pitch black,keeping the man he loved as warm as he could,He deserved some rest.

Patton smiled and let Logan fall asleep against his shoulder. He thought happy thoughts, not the screams..the bodies..the children..the Animals..Just happy thoughts!!


Roman climbed the ladder as he helped Virgil up, they had been rescued and taken into a lifeboat,sat next to a man, the man looked like he had just seen a ghost, he was pale, but obviously breathing,while Virgil basically collapsed by him as soon as he was given a blanket.

Virgil sat down on a bench and rested his haid on the wall,wrapping himself into the blanket. Roman sat next to him and looked around. He had lived,and so had Virgil!

Then he remembered.

Where was his Family?


Janus was frozen as he clutched onto something behind his cape, he felt like crying, but no tears fell..he didn't want to remember what he had seen..what he just went through..forget it all..forget New York.. let him go back to Southampton! Back where he was happy and playing cards for a living!..the good days.

He had a crew member help him onto the boat as he took the gifted blanket and sat on the floor by the edge of the ship..staring into the sea..someone had died by here...multiple people had died by here..Animals had died by here..Children had died by here..and he had watched it happen..he heard the screams..he heard their pleases for help as they tried to swim to a lifeboat but they said it was 'full', he was lucky to get on that lifeboat..

But that body..the body he found..he never wanted to imagine that person like that.. he wanted to believe it was fake..that they were ok..

That was the first time he'd cried in a long..long time.


(There will be a part three for the people arriving in NYC)

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