2: Disbelief

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I sat across from Izuku with my hands in front of my face in an A shape. I breathed out and pointed by hands at him, saying, "So you're telling me that All Might, the number one hero, gave you his Quirk? Well that's unheard of."

Izuku took a deep breath and sighed with a soft smile gracing his lips. "I'm glad you're not mad at me for not telling you sooner," he said. "I didn't know how you would react. I'm not supposed to tell anyone this, but he doesn't have much time left. His muscle form is weakening and he can only hold it for three hours. That's why he needed to find a successor - me."

I smiled at him, fluffing his hair. "You know you can tell me anything, Izu-Kun, and I'm glad you did."

He smiled back at me and suddenly looked around confused. "Now that I think about," he said. "I haven't seen your mother in a while. Where is she?"

I gave him a small smile, looking down into my lap. I sighed and said, "That whore's been gone for a week. I live on my own now. She died trying to be a hero. But, you know, the hero isn't always a hero. She just had to go on vacation without me. She just had to get herself involved in a fight she knew she couldn't handle. She just HAD to get in the way of the pros when they had the situation under control. She was such attention whore, always leaving me home to go out to bars or to party or to do drugs."

My best friend eyes me sympathetically, neither of us knowing what to say.

I spoke up and said, "Are you going to try to get into UA?"

My friend met my eyes and smiled widely, letting me know that, "Yes, I am going to try to get in. But only if you're by my side."

I smiled and nodded, standing up and hugging him, handing him the journal he had left on the couch.

"I hope to see you there! The entrance exams are in two days, so get training!"

He left soon after, leaving me to think. "I wonder if I should bring my knives," I thought.

I went upstairs to my room, taking a quick glance at my mother's door. It was open.

"Odd," I said aloud.

I pushed open the door and looked around for any Intruders. I heard a soft mewl and instantly covered my hand in rock-solid wool. I looked to my left to see a black cat with orange eyes and blonde-tipped ears.

I retracted my quirk and picked up the kitten gingerly, making sure not to make it uncomfortable. It had a collar on it with the name Tsumiyo and my mother's old number.

"She had a cat?" I asked myself. I scratched behind the cats ears, feeling it nudge against my chest. I guess it liked me.

I set the cat down and began to rummage through my mother's journals hoping to find something about the cat. The journals were all black leather with Daisuke etched into the covers in gold. Oddly enough, every page was blank. I set five of the black journals on my mother's old desk and went to her closet. I was the same size as her and she surprisingly had a good taste in clothes.

I swiped through the garments in the walk-through closet and found a black leather jacket with our family name in the back in gold - surrounded by cherry blossom petals. I took the jacket, journals and cat to my room, setting them all down.

"Can't wait to put these to use," I thought. "But I'll need to call the schools principal to see the the exceptions on pets."

I took out my phone, dialing the schools number and being met with a cute male voice.

"This is UA High's principal Nezu, how may I help you?"

"Um, yes, hi," I said. "I'm a student from Aldera Jr High and I'm going to be taking the UA entrance exam in two days. I found a small cat that my mother abandoned before she died, and I was wondering about the policies on bringing pets to school in the event that I pass the exams."

The voice came through again, saying, "I don't mind anyone bringing pets to school, but it all depends on your teacher. If you end up in class 1-A, there's no doubt that you will be able to bring your cat. I'm not sure about other teachers though, but I wish you the best of luck on the exams!"

He finished with a quick Plus Ultra and I returned the catchphrase, hanging up on the principal. I smiled at the cat in front of me and said, "You hear that? You're coming to school with me!"

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