6: You Cant Avoid Him Forever

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At school the next day, Kirishima and I didn't talk. Neither of us wanted to accidentally bring up the incident from last night.

Kaminari forgot about it, Mina kept smirking at me, and Kirishima and I avoided each other. But that was difficult since we sat diagonally from each other.

I still sat with everyone, just not next to my sharp-toothed friend as usual. Whenever someone mentioned the sleepover, we tried to change the topic.

Other than that, everything went as usual. But then it changed.

Izuku recognized that Kirishima and I weren't talking so he dragged Mina over. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but I COULD tell it had to do with the sleepover.

Midoriya spoke to Uraraka for a moment and they both stood up, Uraraka grabbing my arm and Izuku taking Kirishima's.

We both protested as they dragged us both to our respective bathrooms, presumably to talk.

Uraraka pulled me to the wall and said, "Akira, you need to get over it! Deku is talking to Kirishima about it, but I think you two need to think long and hard about what happened. It was a dare at a sleepover, and it's all in the past. You shouldn't dwell on it! It's not good for you. Now, from what I've seen you two are best friends and best friends shouldn't be doing this to each other.

"You two should talk it out. Get over it. Hang out again. It's not good to avoid your friends, ok?"

I looked down at the floor and nodded, not knowing what to say. But I didn't need to.

"Hey, Akira?" I looked back up at my friend. "What sexuality are you?"

My eyes widened and my stomach tightened as I stared at her. "I-I," I started. I sighed and said, "I'm Bisexual..." I looked away, afraid of what she had to say. But yen she just hugged me.

"I thought so," she said. She pulled away and squeezed my hands, turning around.

"Talk to him. You can't avoid him forever."

I watched her leave and caught a glimpse of the hallway where Midoriya was leaving the boys' restroom.

"I guess I have no choice," I said.

I walked back to the cafeteria and Kirishima was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, I got a ping on my phone.

Sharky❤: I need to talk to you after school.

Me: me too.

I put my phone down and ate the rest of my lunch, not wanting to go back to class. But I had no choice.


Honestly, I was dreading having to talk to Kirishima. We both knew it was Kaminari and Mina's faults that everything happened. But I guess it's not something to forget about overnight.

I walked outside of the building as the last one out. I spotted Kirishima ditting under a tree and tying a bandana around his hair. I took a deep breath and walked over to him, wanting to get it over with. I next to the sharp-toothed boy as he smiled up at the sky.

"Ya know," I said. "We've only known each other for two days, but I already admire how calm you are."

He opened one eye and looked at me, his smile remaining. "Well," he said. "I've always been like that. But you're like that, as well. Now." He sat up and faced me, cross-legged.

"I wanted to talk to you... about what happened..."

I looked into my lap and nodded. "Yeah, I figured."

"We can't avoid it forever, we need to recognize that it wasn't our fault and it didn't mean anything." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Let's forget about it! It's in the past and we're still friends!"

I looked back up at him and smiled. "Yeah," I said. "Yeah, you're right. That was childish! Oh! You know, we could hang out at my place if you want!"

He stood up and said, "Yeah! That would be great! Say, don't you have a training room in your house?"

I stood up and we walked off of the school grounds. But oh, did we now what was in store for us...

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