chapter eight

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"Oh hey Shawn," I smiled confidently. Shawn's eyes made their way across my entire body in seconds, giving me all the confidence in the world.

"You look really good," he stated in admiration as his eyes traced over every curve of my body once again. I beamed shyly at his compliment and the newfound attention.

"Thanks, I just threw this on," I chuckled awkwardly as Topanga folded her arms and shook her head at me.

"Hi Shawn, I'm here too," Topanga interjected as she moved herself in between us.

"Oh hey Topanga, I didn't see you there.  I thought you both weren't coming."

"Change of plans," I said while shrugging my shoulders. Shawn nodded at my response before Heather came over and locked arms with him. She glanced over at me and Topanga with a small smirk at the corner of her lips.

"Mary Jane, Topanga, this is my date Heather," Shawn introduced. Topanga and I flashed the fakest smiles we could muster and waved at her. Heather tilted her head to the side and smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth.

"It's nice to meet you," she added. In the moment, the tension seemed to escalate and everyone felt it, everyone except Shawn. "I'm hungry," Heather told him. "Let's get some snacks from the food table," she suggested while tugging on his arm and smiling pleasantly.

"But the food has no flavor," Shawn complained. I rubbed my nose, trying to hide my small smile. Heather glared at Shawn for a few moments, causing him to chuckle awkwardly. "I'll talk to you guys later," he said as he and Heather made their way to the food table. Once their figures disappeared into the pool of students, I sighed in exasperation.

"What does he even see in her?" I complained as I folded my arms across my chest. Topanga placed her hands on her hips.

"It's Shawn, he doesn't see past her chest," she retorted.

                     *       *         *

As the night went on, Topanga and I had our fun on the dance floor. Homecoming at John Adams was nothing compared to my old school, but the fun was still there. Throughout the night, Topanga had been asked to dance by multiple guys, which she all turned down. I couldn't help but feel some type of way about it. No one had ever asked me to dance before and I doubted that anyone would.

It seemed like when I was next to Topanga, I was invisible. No one noticed me, or even gave me the time of day. She was beautiful, no doubt. Her long hair, her green eyes, and her plump lips, really made her attractive to the boys. I knew that all of that stuff was superficial and that I shouldn't be so worried about attention from guys, but I couldn't help but feel a little insecure about it. After all, everyone wants to be told that they're beautiful. I was no exception.

"I have to use the bathroom. Wanna come?" Topanga asked me.

"No it's cool. I'll just wait out here," I replied. She nodded and flashed a quick smile before skipping to the restroom. I moved myself off the dance floor and took a seat at one of the vacant tables alone. I watched Shawn and Heather in the distance, dancing with all the other popular girls. I couldn't help but feel irritated as he danced the night away with Heather Brio and her bra-stuffing bimbos that she calls her friends. I felt disgusted and betrayed that Shawn would choose the popular kids over his real friends, over me.

"Mary Jane, are you alright?" A voice questioned in a concerned tone. I turned around and gazed as Mr. Turner took the seat next to me and sat down. I had forgotten that he told our English class that he would be chaperoning the dance.

Boy Meets Girl (Shawn Hunter from BMW Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora