Chapter 8 - Bust Out

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     The Avengers all shared a worried look before following after Fury. Bucky, Tony, and Natasha all seemed to be the most distressed. This is probably because they had the best idea of what happened on Asgard.

     They were now in the lab, and Maria stood next to one of the Iron Man suits. Mark 81, to be more exact.

     "When we were scanning, we found a life form in this suit." Agent Hill clarified.

     "Stark, open it up." Fury demanded.

     "Oh come on, that suit doesn't even work. It's highly unlikely there's a 'life form' in there." Tony stalled.

     "Don't make me repeat myself." Fury threatened. Tony sighed and looked at all the other Avengers. Steve had a defeated look on his face as he solemly nodded his head.

     "Jarvis, open her up." Tony demanded.

     "Yes sir." Jarvis said. The suit opened up, revealing Loki. Every Shield agent in the room imeadiatly cocked and aimed their guns at him, including Fury.

     "Loki, put your hands up and step out of the suit." Fury ordered. Loki did so, putting his hands up and stepping out of the suit. Agent Hill approached the god and pulled out a pair of magic restricting handcuffs, along with a muzzle.

     "I don't believe those are ness-" He was cut off by Maria practically slapping the muzzle over his mouth. He couldn't help but slightly wince as it pinched his skin. Maria then pulled his hands down and put the handcuffs onto them behind his back. Now that Loki wasn't able to use his magic, all the Shield agents stood down a bit.

     "Now listen here, Loki. You're going to come with us, and you're going to behave while doing so. At the moment we have no way of contacting Thor, but when he returns to Earth, we will have him take you to Asgard imeadiatly." Fury informed him. Loki glared at the director very harshy.

     "I'm glad we agree." Fury added, just to spite the god who was unable to reply. Agent Hill grabbed onto the handcuffs and gave him a light push, gesturing for him to walk. She led him out to an aircraft that had been landed in the grass lot outside of the tower. She motioned for him to sit down, which he did, knowing that he would later bust out of whatever prision they planned on shoving him in. After all, prisions were meant to be broken out of.

     Maria then attatched his handcuffs to some sort of latch that was located on the bench. He sighed through his nose and leaned back, knowing there was nothing he could do at the moment.


     "Now, I believe that we need to have a little talk." Nick said as he slowly paced the front of the conference room. The Avengers sat silently at the conference table, looking down.

     "So, do tell me. Why were you giving Loki hospitality in the tower?" The Director asked as he stopped pacing at the head of the table.

     "He needed help, so we helped him." Steve stated balantly.

     "And how exactly did you know he wasn't going to destroy New York again?!" Nick asked, raising his voice.

     "Thor said that he was sent by a high doll, and that the high doll only sent him because he didn't propose a threat." Tony explained. He was trying his best.

     "He's guilty for the attack of New York, of course he's a threat!" Nick argued.

     "He wasn't guilty." Natasha stated as she leaned back and crossed her arms. 

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