Chapter Twelve - the final attack

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     "That's so gay!" Peter whisper screamed as he pointed to the two of them. He had to admit, he was pretty shocked. He never even thought that Mr. Stark swung that way. He decided to leave the two to themselves and went down to the lab to work on some stuff.

     Loki and Tony stirred awake around the same time.

     "I need to check on your thing." Tony groggily said as he vaguely gestured to Loki's side. Loki stood and went straight to the kitchen, where he found Bucky.

     "Hey Loki." Bucky greeted, dismissing the fact that Loki was completely ignoring Tony, who was chasing after him and insisting that he take a look at Loki's wound.

     "What is that drink that Banner favours so much?" Loki asked.

     "Water?" Bucky looked confused. How could Loki not know what water was.

     "No, the brown one." Loki explained. Bucky's face lit up in realization. The two of them were paying no attention to Tony, who was giving Loki a 'mom look'.

     "Coffee?" Bucky suggested. Loki nodded his head. Bucky poured Loki a cup, and gave it to him. The raven nodded gratefully and downed the coffee, and poured himself another cup.

     "What does he keep talking about?" Bucky asked Loki in a near whisper. Somehow, Stark overheard.

     "He stabbed himself while we were gone!" Tony exclaimed as he pointed towards Loki. Loki looked down at his cup of coffee.

     "What?" Bucky asked, worry lacing his voice, "On purpose?"

     "No," Loki looked up from his beverage. How could they think such a thing.

     "Then how?" The supersoilder wondered.

     "Good question." Tony once again gave Loki the 'mom look', expecting him to explain.

     "It's not important." Loki muttered

     "Yes, it is. What happened?" Bucky pushed.

     "Jarvis, show the footage." Tony demanded the AI. A hologram appeared in mid air, and the footage of Loki getting injured played in front of their eyes. Loki looked away in shame, while the other two men watched with wide eyes.

     Once the video was over, the screen disappeared. Tony was about to fight with Loki some more, but Peter bursted in and quickly eased all of the tension.

     "Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter happily cheered as he walked into the kitchen.

     "Hey kid," Tony acknowledged him. Bucky silently left, not in the mood to socialize with a stranger this early in the morning. Loki just looked at the kid with a curious expression on his face, wondering who this mortal was.

     "Hey Mr. Loki!" Peter greeted him.

     "Who are you?" Loki asked, slight hostility in his voice.

     "Loki, this is kid. Kid, this is Loki." The introductions were fast. Tony turned and began to make himself some pancakes.

     "I'm Peter Parker." Peter properly introduced himself, offering a hand for Loki to shake. Loki looked skeptically at Peter, but shook his hand anyways.

     "Hey, Mr. Stark?" Peter said to get Tony's attention once again. Tony looked over to him and rose one of his eyebrows.

     "I started that new model of the Spider Man suit, and I need your opinion on a few things." Peter said. The reason he was vititing today was to make some adjustments to his suit.

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