Chapter Two - Professor

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"Water? Aren't we celebrating?" Charles asked whilst Raven took her seat at the circular table beside Evelyn, concerning creeping onto her face.

"We are but I just don't feel great and if I drink alcohol, I will only feel worse and it will ruin your night and I don't want that" Evelyn explained with a wave of her hand. However, the moment the words 'I don't feel great' passed her mouth, Charles sat down and took her hand in his with concern.

"We can go home if you don't feel well" Charles offered as she knew he would. Evelyn's smile blossomed at his caring nature.

"That's very sweet but no, just get me some water please" Evelyn replied. Evelyn wasn't sure what was wrong exactly but she didn't want to ruin his night by either throwing up or forcing them to go home. It wasn't fair on him. Though he wanted to argue, the well-practiced look she held on her face told him there was no point in arguing. Evelyn felt like kicking herself as she watched him slowly make his way over to the bar – it was clear he was now worried. Why had she said anything?

"You ill?" Raven asked, catching Evelyn's attention.

"Just a bit queasy, upset stomach, it'll disappear" Evelyn assured her sister-in-law and unlike Charles, Raven just accepted that answer.

"If you say so" Raven cheerfully replied before she ran off into talking about everything and anything with ease. Evelyn followed her lead and conversed with her oblivious to Charles having not reached the bar.


Of course, Charles was concerned for his wife. It was not like Evelyn to not drink but she didn't seem ill - unless she was not telling him something. Evelyn was never one to tell him when she was ill, she was also working through the illness unless it completely debilitated her. And it was whilst his mind was firmly on her that he did not see another woman coming his way.

"Congratulations, Professor" a feminine voice spoke catching Charles' attention. Charles came to a halt, his eyes lifting to find a beautiful slim, brunette woman before him. She was dressed formally as if she was at work, leading her to look slightly out of place at the Daffodil. What was she doing here?

"Thank you very much" he answered, looking towards the large glass in his hand he assumed she was talking about his little stunt just before, after all what else would she be congratulating him about? "It's – It's much harder than it looks, actually."

"No, on your presentation" the woman corrected. Charles' mind slowly caught up with the woman's train of thought - the alcohol was clearly taking affect.

"Oh, you were at my presentation. How nice of you. Thank you very much" Charles replied with a genuine smile. Everyone always appreciated when one's work was recognised.

"Moira MacTaggert" the woman introduced herself, offering her delicate hand to him. Charles gave her a smile as he placed his hand into hers.

"Charles Xavier."

"Do you have a minute?" Moira asked. Charles however did not like the implication of her words. What exactly did she want? Truth was he didn't really have a minute, he wanted to get back to his wife who was ill. And he had a wife.

"Umm, whilst I'm flattered, I am taken by a wonderful..." Charles started, nervously rubbing his hand on his neck.

"Oh no, no, I-I'm here on business" Moira corrected which confused Charles further. Business? What business could she have with him?

"What?" Charles asked as he narrowed his eyes and frowned at the woman.

"I really need your help" Moira explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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