Chapter 31: No good deed goes unpunished..

Start from the beginning

"Stop! Don't Shoot!" he said, his voice panicking.

Oh Shit.


Princess sat drinking wine from his steel bottle, at the front seats in the Church. Silent tears falling down his face. He was also dressed in black like his comrades next to him, Skinner, Mr. Preston, Nico, Taylor, Justin and Thomas all looking in front with the same apprehension on their face. Directly on the opposite side of the aisle were all the new recruits. James, Eduardo, Vikram, Park and Kaito looking down at the aisle with suspense...

Princess put on his black glasses; It was very rare to find a man like Cut Throat he thought to himself, the emotions overcoming him. The sacrifice he was making for both Leila and Zach was unimaginable. He hoped they would one day come to understand what it had cost him to pull this off...But good deed goes unpunished..he thought to himself...


"Listen I don't understand a word of what you're saying..." Leila said backing away slowly "Why...should w-we-g-g-gett married?"

".....the choice is yours....but first take a look at this ..." Xavier said in a soft deadly whisper, as he took out an envelope from his suit, handing it to her....

Leila opened the envelope, and gasped, her hands shaking, the envelope dropped to the floor...

" did you know...? What...what ...have you done...?" Leila asked backing away from Xavier

Xavier looked at his watch, "Unfortunately....we don't have the time to debate about this....What is your decision Leila...."

"What.....if I say no......?" Leila asked slowly

"I .......Wouldn't do that if I were in your position....." Xavier said smiling slightly, as he put his arm on her back, and pushed him against her....Leila shuddered.

Leila turned to look at him, starting to realize that she had run out of options at this very moment....she couldn't make a run for it, not with hundreds of men lined up on every step , She couldn't fight him, she didn't stand a chance....and lastly...with what Xavier had shown her in the envelope...she was smart enough to gage what Xavier was saying to her, without actually saying it. She was left in a desperately pitiful state...she swallowed air, slow and deep to calm her nerves. She closed her eyes to calm herself, finally after a few minutes. She opened up her eyes "Let's go...." She whispered . Xavier stared at her with a hungry expression for a moment, which then changed into a handsome smile. The Priest walked towards them

"Is everything okay...?" He asked pleasantly, Xavier beamed back at him "Never been better Father...." He reached out his hand to Leila, which she took slowly, he gently held onto it, and led the way into the church.

This time Leila decided to look around, to her shock, she recognized a few faces as they reached the front seats. She saw Justin, Thomas, Taylor and Nico all staring at them with the same impassive expression on their faces, like the rest of the men in the Church.

"All Rise ! " The priest said loudly, when the two of them reached the end of the aisle. Leila realized she was the only female there, out of all the persons dressed in black attending the ceremony not one was a woman....

Xavier turned his body so he was looking directly at Leila, holding her hands in both of his. Leila without realizing it, also turned so that she looked directly at him too.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here tonight to witness the joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony...." The Priest started his sermon.

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