chapter 1

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This view is beautiful, iam standing near a lake, sky is painted with most beautiful colors of orange and mixed red, I can see the mountains far from here with where morning fog is lightly courted over it, Birds are chirping and sun is hiding behind those mountains....

This moment is perfect, I want this moment to freeze here but life's biggest truth is beautiful things are temporary, even this moment is temporary it gonna fade in minutes, maybe it will fade any minute from here.....

Just than I heard a sound of crashing leaves, like someone is walking towards me, I turned around to see the person....

I couldn't see the person because of morning fog, that person with strong body walking towards me, when he was almost nearing me I saw his face....

Suddenly I opened my eyes and sweat beads was formed on my forehead I was panting, quickly I grabbed a water bottle from the side table and drank,

A lump formed in my throat this was a dream that I never want to dream, unknowingly tears started rolling from my cheeks, suddenly I felt weak, felt like the old me is back again, no that shouldn't happen, I will smile only one dream cannot shatter me.....

"Priya" I heard my mom's voice, I wiped my tears and rushed to wash room to get ready for college, from past one and half year my routine is same, where I became a robot, I act normal infront of all but Iam not, but today iam finding it difficult, hope I can gather myself, without breaking infront of any one.

"Priya" this time my mom voice was more loud, may be she is going to give me a lecture hopefully not, I got ready and went near dinning table I saw my dad eating his breakfast and mom was serving him, I love their bond they are just perfect, a perfect example of love.

Love is really a magical word which can make the person or break the person as well, in my case destiny choosed second option which broke me completely, all my thoughts came to halt when I heard my dad calling me...

"Good morning dad" I said while moving towards the dining table, and plastering a fake smile

"Prathap, your daughter is becoming too lazy these days" my mom complained dad.

"She is a child sheetal she can sleep as much as she can" my dad said, if only he know it's been ages when I slept peacefully, until today only I use to remember those painfull memories, rather I can say once beautiful memories, but today's dream was unusual.

"Come and join for breakfast dear" dad said looking at me

"No dad it's already late I will have in cafetaria, bye" I said started moving but stopped when I heard my mom voice

"If you don't have breakfast you will not get even dinner" mom said and looked at dad may be he can save me but he shrugged

"Mom" I whined, but she is my mom she gave me a stare look and I sat on dinning table without uttering a word, she smiled and served me, I completed my whole breakfast in 5 minutes and rushed from there, but I heard my mom voice from behind I know she must be complaining but I can't do anything....

I drove my car into the campus and saw my friends Pooja and Swetha are waiting for me there, I quickly parked it and went towards them and hugged them....

"Where is your phone miss varma" Pooja asked and then I took my phone from the bag, and they gave me a death glare

"Sorry sorry guys, I was driving so...."

"It's okay" Swetha said and smiled, Swetha is really a sweet and mature girl, I met both Swetha and Pooja on first day of my post graduation and from then they really became close to me.....

After that we came to class, and took our seats and lecturer arrived and started the class, I was listening to lecture but suddenly I remembered the last night dream...

Does dream's really come true, what is the hidden meaning of that dream, what if that dream come true, no no it should not happen and it is not going to happen, why my life can't be perfect every time when I think my life is perfect it shows me some vulnerable situation arrives to shutter me....

"Priya..... Priyaaa" Pooja called me


"Sir is calling you, idiot" she said and I turned towards him

"Miss varma concentrate" he said and I again lost in my thoughts, and Pooja called me again

"Miss varma out" he said and I got up without arguing because iam at fault

So went to cafetaria at corner and sat blankly, all my emotions are messy right now I want to be strong, but I want to cry my heart out, I want some shoulder to cry but I don't want to say my condition with anyone.......

Hey, that's first chapter, I don't know how it is but I just tried.

Do you guys liked it??

Okay bye for now

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