Chapter 14: Confession

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Jisoo bit down her lip. She tried to take a peek behind and saw Seulgi's face turning red with anger and jealousy. Jisoo face-palmed herself.

Jisoo turned around and started to leave the scene. "Don't talk to me."

Taeyong was taken aback. "Wh-what?"

Jisoo didn't want to ignore Taeyong but the situation at that moment was critical.

Taeyong was confused so he tried to follow Jisoo. "What do you mean by don't talk to you?" He paused, thinking hard. "Wait. Are you mad because i fought with Kai-sunbae?"

That made Jisoo stop. She turned around, facing Taeyong. "What about Kai-sunbae?"

Taeyong blinked, confused. "Wait. So it wasn't about that?"

Jisoo gasped, catching on. "It was you? You made him beg for my forgiveness?"

Taeyong smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, he was rude to you–"

"Waahhh~ can't believe you made a sunbae do that!" Jisoo seemed upset and it made Taeyong panic.

"No! It's not like that." Taeyong reasoned. "I didn't hurt him or anything. We just made a bet."

Jisoo narrowed her eyes towards Taeyong, studying his expression. The latter gulped, feeling nervous. He just didn't want to get into Jisoo's bad side now. Jisoo sighed, her head starting to hurt now.

"Whatever." Jisoo turned around.

"Hold on." Taeyong blocked Jisoo. "Are you still mad at me? Tell me what's wrong."

Jisoo groaned. "Lee Taeyong, are you that oblivious or just plain stupid?"

Taeyong tensed.

"Just look around you." Jisoo gestured towards the students who were eavesdropping to them. "People are talking."

"So? Let them talk." Taeyong said like it was the natural thing to do.

Jisoo closed her eyes, calming herself. She didn't want to lose it in front of everybody. "It's easy for you to say. You're Lee Taeyong and i'm just Kim Jisoo. People like us are not meant to be in the same picture."

Taeyong looked hurt and Jisoo immediately regretted the things she said. She didn't understand it but before coming to this school, she never cared what the other people think of her. What changed? Was it because of Taeyong? The thought only made Jisoo grimace. She didn't like it, this feeling. She didn't want to look weak.

"Yah, Taeyong-ah!" Johnny, one of Taeyong's close friends arrived. "What are you still doing here? Classes will start soon. Let's go."

Taeyong didn't fight when Johnny began to pull him away from that place. Yuta who was walking behind Johnny paused just in front of Jisoo. Yuta's expression was grim. Jisoo looked down. She heard the boy scoff.

"You really are a heartless b*tch." Yuta whispered. "This is why i don't like Taeyong hanging out around you."

Jisoo flinched. She clenched her fists at her side, stilling her resolve to stay calm. She knew she made a mistake and honestly she thought that she deserved that. She heard Yuta sighed before leaving.

"Jisoo-ah!" Jisoo suddenly heard Nayeon.

She lifted her head and met the girl who was waving at her.

Nayeon stopped in front of her and felt that there was something off with her friend. To be honest, she just saw what happened between her and Yuta.

"What was that?" Nayeon asked, worried.

"Nothing." Jisoo sagged then faced Nayeon. "So, you were saying?"

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