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Lily screamed as she gave birth to the first twin. He had red hair and started to bail loudly as soon as he saw the blinding lights. Lily shushed him and hugged the boy. "What shall we name him?" Lily asked, looking at James.

"Regulus. After Sirius's brother who died. Regulus Sirius Potter. Sirius will be godfather and Alice can be godmother-" Lily began screaming again. James rushed to her side and tried to calm her down.

"James! There's another one!" Lily whispered. James panicked.

"HEALER! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!" Three Healers came to the scene. This boy had messy black hair. He fluttered his eyes open to reveal green doe eyes. He cocked his head to the side like a curious child, which he was. He started to grab Lily's nose. Lily laughed.

"I'll name him after my grandfather. Harry James Potter." James blushed and ruffled Regulus's hair.

"Why thank you." James mocked bow. Regulus began bailing again. Lily fed him some milk and handed Harry to James.

"You're adorable, Harry." Harry flailed his hands until he grabbed hold of James's glasses. He giggled and bashed them into James's face. James smirked.

"Give them back, Harry!" James laughed. Lily chuckled. Harry began to whimper, not so much of a cry. James took his glasses back. "I think Harry's hungry, Lils." Lily laughed and took Harry from James, who took Regulus.

31st October 1981, Hallows Eve.
James took his wand back from Regulus. "Dada!" Regulus humphed. James made some smoke rings and Regulus giggled. He snatched them from the air and frowned when nothing was in his hands. He chased them around, trying to catch one.

Lily waved her wand. "Wand!" Harry said quietly. Lily smiled and rainbow bubbles appeared of different shapes and sizes. Harry popped them and giggled. He snatched Lily's wand and waved it around and smiled. Blue wisps of smoke formed into a doe.

"JAMES! Look at what Harry's doing!" James rushed in with Regulus and watched as Harry moved the wand in a precise motion. The doe flew around the living room and disappeared. Harry giggled.

"Patronus!" Harry exclaimed. James smirked.

"He's a smart one, huh?" Lily smiled and a stood up.

"I'll be making dinner. I'll be right back! Look after Harry and Regulus for me!" Lily walked into the kitchen while James played with smoke rings with the kids.

"Dinners ready!" Lily called half an hour later. James smiled. He placed his wand down and picked up the twins.

"Great! I'm starving." He placed the two in their respectable high chairs and placed the food in front of them. Regulus hit the end of the spoon and the mashed potato went catapulting into the sky, and splat on the roof. Lily rolled her eyes and began hand-feeding Regulus while James did the same with Harry.

Lily washed the dishes when there was a loud boom outside. James' face froze in terror. "LILY! TAKE THE KIDS AND RUN!" He shouted as soon as he snapped out of it. Lily dropped the dish and went running upstairs. James ran into the hallway and felt for his wand. Panic filled his face when he realised he left it in the living room. Voldemort laughed coldly.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for the twins. Stupefy." James was sent flying backwards and fell on the sharp pottery, his head starting to bleed. Voldemort walked upstairs, where he could hear shifting.

Lily locked the door and placed the twins in a crib quickly before surrounding the crib and herself with boxes and toys stacked high, building a fort. The door unlocked and Voldemort walked forward. "Oh, Lily~." He called with fake sweetness. He moved the boxes out of the way and stunned Lily with a quick flick of his wand. Voldemort looked at the two boys. The boy pointed his mother's wand at him. The doe erupted from the wand and stood beside him.

"Always protect. Mother says Always protect. Patronus!" Voldemort narrowed his eyes and snapped the wand in half. The doe beside him stood strong. Voldemort cackled.

"There will be no one else for you to protect now. You'll die. Such a shame to waste magical blood."

"No, kill Reggie! Always!" The doe nodded in response.

"•Kill•." Voldemort hissed in Parseltongue. The green light enhanced and spiralled towards the boy. It struck but the blue wisps of the doe sent it back. The doe disappeared and a lightning bolt scar appeared on his forehead. Shocked, Voldemort flinched as the light hit him squarely in the chest. His soul ripped and latched itself onto Harry, who tried desperately to keep awake. The soul brushed past Regulus's cheekbone, creating a scar in the shape of the Deathly Hallows. Regulus fainted, and soon Harry did too.  The world went black.

"I'm going to James's house! He hasn't contacted us for three days! What if something happened?!" Remus sighed.

"I'm coming with you." The two Apparated into Godric's Hollow and entered through the wards that were placed in the house. Sirius and Remus gasped at what they saw. Sirius ran over and cleared the pottery. He carefully took out the ones in his beat friends head before Remus patched it up. James groaned and his eyes opened. They were faint.

"Padfoot? Mooney? What... LILY! THE TWINS! What if Voldemort killed one of them?!" James sat up Remus glared at him to lie back down.

"Sirius. Go and check the twins, please. I'm taking James to St Mungo's. Accio Lily's cauldron." The cauldron came flying into Remus's hand and Sirius went upstairs, dodging flying ingredients as he went.

Sirius opened the door and saw Lily knocked out, as well as the twins who both had scars. He took a picture at the scars before looking at Lily. "Lily! Lily was up!" Lily groaned in response and shakily stood up.

"What happened to the twins?!" Lily screamed. She rushed over to them and was glad to find a pulse. She wiped the blood off their scars and the two woke up. Regulus cried loudly and Harry merely whimpered. Lily fed Regulus, not hearing Harry. Harry began to cry and Lily handed over Harry and a milk bottle.

The family of four stayed at St Mungo's for a week to get stable. Dumbledore had explained to Sirius and Remus that Regulus was the Boy-Who-Lived. They were overjoyed and took Regulus out for ice cream once he was stable. Dumbledore had explained to Lily and James that Harry had not much magic left.

"WHAT?!" They screeched. Dumbledore put up a hand.

"He's a little above a squib. Been one since birth."

"But he can cast a Patronus! He can do magic Dumbledore!"

"Then whatever magic he had has been stripped by Lord Voldemort. I've done what I can. I think it's best you give him away. Maybe to another squib."

"Give him away?!" Lily screamed. James looked at Lily.

"Lily. Harry would be much happier with squib parents. He'd be just like them! With us, he could be jealous of Regulus."

"Wait. You said Reggie was the Boy-Who-Lived, yes?" Dumbledore nodded confused.

"I swore Harry had stolen my wand before when I was cooking dinner..."

"Regulus must've stolen it when Harry got knocked out." Dumbledore reasoned. "He'll be happy. I'm sure he would be." Lily sighed, unsure of what to do.

"Fine. Only for the greater good." She took out her snapped wand and placed it in his hands. "So you can remember us, Harry. Even if you do have magic. James hand over your wand!" James reluctantly put his wand in Harry's hand and the two gave him a kiss. They handed him over to Dumbledore who nodded and disappeared.

Arabella drove to a forest. How dare Dumbledore gives her this baby! He knew how much she hated children! Plus, she has cats to look after! She placed the baby in the forest and drove off. The boy slept peacefully, unaware of what had just happened.

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