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Marriage starts...

Drishti is stil unconscious...

Pandit ji follows the mantras...

Raghav picks drishti and takes seven vows as she is unconscious....

Raghav ties nuptial chain around her neck...

Otherside pakhi and aranya are rakshit doesn't pick the call..

Otherside..a man is seen tied ....he tries to free himself...

The marriage continues...drishti gets conscious....she look around..and get shocked...

Raghav is about to put sindoor...but drishti pushes his hand....and stands up....

Drishti- how dare you...

The goons comes...drishti kicks them..and fights.

Raghav- hey stop...drishti comes..

Raghav holds her hand....drishti stops ...

Drishti looks on...

Raghav shows his face to drishti sliding her shehra slightly...drishti is shocked to see rakshit...she smiles...

Rakshit and drishti leaves...but soon raghav comes there....the tied man was raghav...

Raghav- search them.i want drishti ..

Drikshit elopes in a car.....

They didn't talk to each other...drishti looks at the side mirror she is shocked to see her hairline filled with vermillon...she smiles..

She remebrs when she pushes his hand..the sindoor falls on her hairline only...rakshit also sees it but ignores..

Rakshit- your sister pakhi and aranya..are here...they are coming...I will leave you there...

Drishti- means....

Rakshit doesn't answer her...

Rakshit stops the car at a place...he comes out..drishti also comes out...

Rakshit- pakhi and aranya are coming ..till then wait..

Drishti looks on...drishti holds rakshit's hands..and turns him to face her...she holds his collar

Drishti- how can you do this rakshit...we are married...

Rakshit- its was needed to save you that's why..

Drishti- can you be so cruel rakshit...

Rakshit- shut up miss drishti made me this..i was not this..anyways I don't have time to do any bakwas so shut up...

He aagain turns...

Now drishti comes infront of him..holding the chain in which the ring is still attached...

Drishti- this is the prove of our love rakshit...

Drishti holds rakshit's hand...and the ring is still there...

drishti- if you don't love me...then why are you still wearing this rakshit...

rakshit turns his face..

drishti- no you cant back off rakshit you need to know what happened that day..everything was raghav...we both were victims of the situation..

drishti tells everything.rakshit is shocked to know...

both cries and hugs each other...

drishti- I am sorry rakshit..i didn't trust you..

rakshit – no I am sorry...

suddenly they hear bullet shot..the turns and sees pakhi and aranya...they are more shocked seeing pakhi bledding as she came inbetween ...the bullet which was about to hit drishti...

aranya- pakhi...

drikshitholds her and cries...

aranya- pakhi open you eyes..pakhi..

they see goon coming...

aranya- drishti rakshit you leave..they are after you..not us...they will not harm go run away..

drishti- no...we cant..

aranya-please leave..i will take care of me..

drikshit leaves ...goons runs after them..

pakhi bleeds heavily...aranya cries..

aranya- pakhi you cant leave me like you eyes damit...

he calls ambulance...

aranya gives cpr to pakhi..he cries..

aranya – I will do without you pakhi...

soon the ambulance comes..and he takes pakhi to hospital...

otherside..drikshit runs...and the goons are after them....

The reaches near a cliff under which river is there...

Drishti- now where will we go...

The bullet is shot to rakshit leg...drishti shouts...

Raghav's men comes and hits rakshit...drishti cries...raghav comes and takes drishti with him...

Raghav shoots rakshit..and he falls of the clip....and takes drishti with him...

Otherside...pakhi is treated...whole family members comes there...

Otherside...raghav forcefully start marrying drishti...

Suddenly it starts raining...

Drishti smiles..

Drishti- he came....he came to

Soon rakshit comes in bike and hits the goons...ragghav is shocked...drishti hits raghav...

Drikshit comes towards each other..and hugs each other...raghav takes out gun to fire...but before he could do so...police comes and shoots him...

Raghav is arrested...drikshit are happy..

Drikshit also reachs hospital...

They all pray for pakhi to recover...soon good news pakhi comes out of danger..aranya is relieved...

After few days...

A wedding house is shown...with two boards...

Drishti weds rakshit and pakhi weds aranya...

Both drishti and pakhi gets ready as bride...

And rakshit and aranya as groom..

Marriage took place..

And after that they are happy forever...


I hope you liked tell me in was last please comment silent readers also...and tellyou like it or not..

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