Chapter 10

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*Mew Pov*

It's been a few days since I've seen or spoken to Gulf. Usually I see him in the cafeteria or at practice but lately, he's been avoiding those places too. I broke down one day in the week and asked Team about Gulf, he told me all he's allowed to say is that he'll be missing a few practices. Now I'm getting ready for the swim team trip this weekend. I had hoped that he would be coming with us but seeing as I haven't even spoken to him I don't know anymore.

I met everyone at the school and we started getting ready to leave. Win was sitting beside me but kept looking back at Team, who was sitting couple seats back with Yacht. Everyone was laughing and talking about the resort we were going to, I just looked out the window, I had nothing to smile about.

" Hey try to have a good time, we are here to celebrate remember" Win said trying to lift my spirits.

" I'm not in the mood to celebrate right now" I said back as I kept looking out the window.

" Mew, I know it's hard right now, but he just needs time and I'm sure he'll come back" Win added.

I nodded but it didn't ease the hurt my heart has been feeling since Gulf walked away from me.

Three hours later we arrived at the resort, it was a beautiful place with the ocean at its doorstep. After everybody checked in, I gave my usual congratulatory speech and reminded them to be safe while having fun.
Win's family owned the resort, so he and I were staying in private suites secluded from the main building.

As we all separated to go settle in our rooms, I noticed Win and Team walk off together, I already guessed they were going to share his suite. I smiled and shook my head, they thought they were being discreet, but I already knew they were together.

" At least somebody is guaranteed to have some fun this weekend." I said to myself as I walked off to find my suite.

I finally found my suite and put the key in the door and pushed it open, I noticed the light was already on, it must have been the left on by the staff that brought my bags in. I didn't realize I wasn't alone until I heard the voice.....

" Hey baby, did you miss me?" He said.

I turned around quickly to see Gulf standing in the living room area. I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked, all I could do was stand in the spot, my feet couldn't move.

" Wh...What are you doing here?" He stuttered.

" I missed my boyfriend" he said as walked closer to stand in front of me.

" Boyfriend?" I asked barely able to breathe.

He looked at me right in the eyes and nodded with a big smile. I couldn't believe he was here, and that he said I was his boyfriend.

Suddenly my heart started to race, it felt like it was about burst out my chest. I tried to take deep breaths but I started to lose control, I could feel my body changing. I closed my eyes and gripped the wall. I was trying to fight the change, I didn't want this to happen here, now, in front of Gulf. I haven't even had a chance to tell Gulf about myself yet. This can't be happening, I keep telling myself over and over.

"Mew what's wrong?" I could hear the worry in Gulfs voice.

How can I tell him now, I can't even control my breathing. I had to thibk of something. Then I knew the one person who knew what to do.

" Call Win, now!!" I struggled to get the words out.

" Wait, what's happening, let me help you to the couch" he came closer but i stopped him.

" Please don't come any closer, just do it, please" I said , I wanted to look at him to assure him but I couldn't. I could feel my nails coming out.

" Ok, Ok, im calling" Gulf said as he grabbed his phone and dialed.

" Win, it's Gulf, get over here quick, something is happening to Mew" Gulf nodded and then hung up the call.

" He's on his way " he said.

I nodded while trying to calm my breathing, I'm thinking I can control it maybe I could stop the change or slow it down. Gulf was watching me with concern over his face, he came closer and I stepped back until my back was against the wall. I didn't want hurt him, sometimes when this happens I can't control my actions.

"Baby look at me" I heard him say and then I felt him caress my cheek and lift my face up to meet his.

I opened my eyes and looked into his. His eyes were warm and felt like I was beung surrounded by a blanket the longer I looked at them. Then his eyes shifted to look at my lips, right then I noticed him biting his lips and moving closer. Suddenly his lips were on mine, they weren't light and soft, this kiss was hungry and steamy. First he sucked on my top lip then he moved to the bottom one. I was in heaven, I was returning his kiss with just as much need.

I grabbed his head to keep his lips right where I wanted them, I was so busy with his tongue that just entered my mouth and was tangling for control with mine, that I didn't realize my body was retreating from changing. We pulled apart slightly to catch our breath, but still holding each other.

" Feeling better?" He asked with a smirk on his face, while his eyes were on my lips.

" Hell yeah!!" I said while my eyes were on his and then I pushed his lips back to mine.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the reunion. Don't forget to like and comment. Please stay safe. See you next chapter 💗🙏

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