Chapter 3: Living With My Future Husband

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"Wait, you want to hook me up with Kakashi-senpai?!"

"Yes. If I can get you two together, we'll never have to meet in the future."

My demon of a husband was actually an angel in disguise! Now I can really marry my senpai with his help!

"Oh, my dear guardian angel~ feel free to stay in my home for as long as you like~" I sang as I clung to his arm.

He rolled his eyes and pushed me away. "You're so annoying..."

I giggled as I walked alongside him. Maybe I was meant to miss that game so I could meet him? Meettttt...OH MY GOSH, SAKURA-CHAN!

I gasped loudly, startling Sasuke who walked beside me. "What time is it?!" I yelled as I struggled to take my phone out of my pocket.

I quickly turned on my screen and saw that it was almost six o'clock. She's gonna kill me!

As soon as the time changed to six, my phone began to ring. Sakura's contact photo dominated my phone screen, and my fingers began to shake at the thought of her nagging.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" he asked while looking over to the screen. He stared at the picture indifferently when suddenly his face turned into disgust. "Just hang up on her."

"Huh?! I can't do that!"

He sighed while pressing his finger on the green phone icon on my phone. "There, now tell her your busy and hang up."

This man-!

"Hello? Hello~? Naruko are you there?"

I laughed awkwardly into the phone as I stared at my husband who was signaling me to hang up the phone. "Heyyy Sakura-chan..."

"I'm outside your apartment. Where are you?"

"Oh um, I'm sorry, something really important came up and I can't make it to the mixer."

"Really? What happened? Are you okay?"

Oh yeah, I'm just great. My husband from the future suddenly showed up outta no where, offering to play cupid so I can marry my senpai instead of him...that's what I would like to say at least-

"Oh no, I'm okay! It's just I've been falling short on money recently cuz I've been eating out too often this month, so now I'm looking for a part-time job."

I mean I'm not lying. I really have been eating out too much recently.

"Really? And you can't ask your grandpa for some more money?"

I shook at the thought of asking my grandfather for more money. Knowing him, he would fly all the way from Sunagakure to Konoha just to make sure I was 'okay.' In other words, he would use me as an excuse to come and peep on the girls at school.

I shook my head to clear my mind of my perverted grandfather. "Nah, I don't want to bother him. Besides, if I can get a job at a ramen shop, I could totally get all the ramen I wanted."

She laughed happily at my joke. "Alright Naruko, good luck on finding a job, but as soon as you find a job tell me so I can get a discount."

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