Chap. 2

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I woke up with a thud as I rolled off the couch and hit the floor. Rubbing my eyes intensively I tried to figure out what happen. I ran my fingers through my hair an- and found half a bowl of popcorn in it.

Great, I thought as I tried to pull out each individual piece of popcorn. Now I'm going to smell like a cinema.

With a greatly over exaggerated sigh I stood up and shook myself off. Figuring I obviously needed a shower I grabbed my towel and walked into the bathroom.

Turning on the hot water at full blast I jumped into the shower. Now before you get too excited, I'm not going to tell you the gory details of my showering routine. I think I do need at least that little bit of privacy.

Getting out the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and skipped into my bedroom to find something to wear.

Once I got into my room I went straight to my cubed and looked for something. Today must be my day because straight away I found a pair of black short shorts and a white, tight singlet. I quickly pulled on my cloths then ran straight to the bathroom to do my hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my face fell. Everything looked fairly normal, my skin was the same light tan, although my hair was in nots it was still the same long brown hair. The thing that made my face fall were the bags under my eyes. Deep, dark bags I could notice from a mile away.

With a sigh I grabbed my hair brush and brushed it quickly before blow drying it. Once I was done my smooth, brown hair was perfectly straight without a single strand out of place. I quickly put on foundation to cover up my bags and a little eyeliner and once I was satisfied with my look I skipped out the room with a happy bounce.

I walked into the kitchen with 5 minutes to spare so I grabbed an apple and nibbled on it. As I turned around to walk out the kitchen and to my car I ran straight into Luke. I don't mean the metaphorical way either. I mean the full on ran-into-him-and-dropped-my-apple-in-the-process way.

I looked up at him with a massive frown on my face then turned to my apple on the floor.

"You dropped your apple," Luke stated and I could tell he was hold back a laugh.

"No shit Sherlock! I was enjoying that," I said as I stomped over to my apple and chucked it in the bin. Stupid Luke the apple destroyer.

"Soz not soz," Luke threw over his shoulder with a laugh as he entered the kitchen.

"Dick head," I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear as I walked out the house and to my car. As soon as I walked out the house I felt the summer breeze hit me. I sucked in a deep breath and got into my car.

As I back out the drive way I began to get excited to get to school. I'm finally going to see everyone again and have a reunion. I have already decided that I'm going to a party tonight to celebrate coming back and I'm definitely excited for that. It has been a whole month since I've been to a party that didn't involve hanging out with my brother and what ever slut he picked up that night.

It only takes me 5 minutes to get to school and when I pull into the parking lot I couldn't wipe a smile off my face. My leg started to bounce because I'm so eager to see my friends. Especially Alyssa. I have to tell her all about the cute boys I saw in Paris.

I turned off the engine and got out the car in one swift movement and made my way towards the school. As soon as I passed the gates I saw Alyssa, Margo and someone else. This other girl I don't know has long, perfectly tanned legs. She has a slender body but from here I can tell she has no boobs. Her long blonde hair ends half way down her back and she stands with confidence.

With a frown I stomped up to their little party and pushed my way into their circle.

"Who are you?" I hotly asked the blonde no-boobed-bimbo in front of me. So far I don't like her one bit.

Everyone turned around and faced me and gave me their best 'what the fuck do you think you're doing' face and turned away and walked off. Okaaay, definitely not what I expected.

"Lissa, Margo! Where are you going?" I yelled after my two 'friends'. The two girls kept walking without so much as glancing in my direction.

What the hell, I thought bitterly as I sat on the bench next to me. What the fuck have I done to them.

I sat there for 5 minutes until I saw my ex boyfriend, Drake, walk past. I quickly stood up and yelled out to him.

"Hey Drake," I yelled at him. "What's up with Alyssa and Margo? And who's the blonde bimbo?" Drake just looked at me and awkwardly scratched his head before quickening his pace and turning away from me.

God, what's up with everyone lately.

I looked around the school to only discover that everyone's avoiding my eye contact. Even the underdogs briskly walk past me looking at the floor. Great, I've really fucked up this time. Wait, I haven't even done anything! How can I fuck up when I'm not even in the country?

The tardy bell went off just as standing got really awkward so I happily made my way to history.

I got to history and was the first one there. I quickly made my way to the far back corner and sat down. As everyone filed in they sat as far away from me as they could. Some even went as far as shuffling their seats closer to the person they were sitting next to.

With a humf I placed my forehead into my hand. Today's going to be a long day.


Finally, lunch time. Only one more lesson of this horrendous day and it'll all be over. Until tomorrow.

I walk over to the only empty table left in the cafeteria, the table next to the bins. I don't know why they even bother putting a table near there, it's disgusting. It always has one piece of rubbish on it.

I cautiously sat down, making sure that there was nothing on the the seat. I pulled out my phone no longer feeling hungry. The stench of rubbish filled my nose and honestly, it makes me want to gag.

Once my phone came to life I realized I had a message from an unknown number. I opened the message and read it.

Meet me after school at Marve's Cafè.

After rereading the message multiple I decided it would be best to reply.

Who is this?

A reply came 5 seconds after.

Can't say. We go to the same school and I can assure you this by saying that you're sitting next to the rubbish bins right now.

I shook my head and gave a breathy laugh. Cause that proves lots.

I sat there thinking for a while. Should I agree to meet with this stranger? What is it about anyway? After a lot of arguing with myself I finally came to an conclusion. In my purse I have pepper spray, literally, and I also have a phone. If worst comes to worst I'll have back up.

Meet you there, I quickly text back.

A/N: Sorry guys, this is probably my worst chapter yet. I'll make sure the next chapters better :)

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