Chap. 8

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For the next few days I didn't see Nick. The only time I did see him was at school but even then I couldn't talk to him because that would make the whole plan sink. Well, that's if the plans still on.

It's the third day since Nick's ignorance and I feel like I have been neglected all over again.

If you asked me why his ignoring me, I wouldn't have a clue. But I feel like it's got something to do with the fact that I told him how I felt about this whole situation and I seriously regret it. I really need a friend right now and the only friend I thought I had is gone.

So right now I'm at school, sitting in the hell people call 'maths'. And the thing that's making hell even worst is that since Nick has pointed out that his in the same class as me I can't help but notice him. He normally sits in the front row, in the far right corner. But now that he has joined the football team he sits in the back row, two tables across from me.

Although that's a fair distance I still can't help but to feel awkward. His ignoring me and I don't know what to do. And it's not like I can just walk up to him.

I turn my attention back to the teacher to see his still drawling on about algebraic formulas.

I pick up my pencil and start drawing circles, round and round, doing this for so long I actually get so distracted I drown out everything.

Whether I did this for minutes or hours, I don't know. But I must have gotten so distracted I missed the bell because I felt a small hand on my shoulder. I quickly spun around with my pencil held in my hand ready to stab my attackers eye out. But once I face my "attacker" I'm taken by surprise.

Alyssa Milano, my former best friend, was actually paying attention to me. No, scratch that, she was TOUCHING ME.

My shock must have shown on my face because she soon spoke.

"I'm sorry Alice," Alyssa spoke in a rush, she spoke so fast I'm surprised I understood her. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

"Why, Alyssa? Why did you do this?" I spoke quietly, looking right into her eyes.

"I just... I just didn't know what to do," she spoke sadly. "I didn't know what to do. But now I know ignoring you was the wrong answer, and I also know that the rumour was a lie. At first I was afraid to talk to you because I though that I might get taken down with you. I thought I might get stripped of my popularity. But now I've realised I don't care. I just want to be your friend again."

I sat for a little while, trying to take it all in. Can I really believe this?

"Alyssa, I needed you and you threw me in the trash like I was nothing," I said refusing to look at her.

"I didn't just forget you Alice!" Alyssa yelled, making me jump. "I thought about you every night. Jesus, I even wrote out what I was going to say! But I guess I was scared and if you can't forgive me because of that, I'm sorry."

Suddenly I felt a smile slowly spread across my face. I stood up and pulled Alyssa into a hug, giving her no warning. Suddenly a voice broke the silence.

"Girls, I have lunch brake to get to," our maths teacher grumbled, clearly fed up with our shit.

Alyssa and I shared an eye roll before I put all my stuff in my bag and left. Alyssa and I walked to the cafeteria together, ready to face the crowd.
When we entered the cafeteria it went just how I though it would. I swear the whole cafeteria turned and faced us and I felt like I was in one of them trashy cliche movies.

It was silent except from the occasional whisper. I saw the new blonde sitting with the 'popular' kids, her mouth a gap. And sitting next to her was Margo and I swear to God I saw a small, microscopic smirk on her face.

Looking at the ground, Alyssa and I walked to the table next to the bin and sat. As soon as we sat everyone went back to talking. With a sigh Alyssa and I looked at each other.

"God, that was worst then I thought," Alyssa said.

"Fan-fucking-tastic," I said with an eye roll. "Now you're officially in Loserville. Population, you and me." I finished with a snicker.

Alyssa and I got some food and ate quietly. I could still felt eyes burning holes in my back but I tried my best to ignore it, to focus on eating.

After 40 excruciating minutes of stares the bell went signalling to go back to class. Alyssa and I walked to class together and to be honest, it felt good to have my best friend back.

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