Chap. 15

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After the deep confession of what my own father had done to me it was a little awkward for a while. Nick would avoid eye contact with me and say stupid things like 'it's a nice night'. After a while I got over it and took a shower. He allowed me to do so but I think he would let me do anything as long as he got rid of me.

That takes us to now where I'm stand in his bathroom, one of his old tops clutched in one hand and a towel in the other. I threw the towel and top on the floor and quickly turned the hot water on all the way.

I cautiously took all my clothing off, my whole body screaming when I turned the wrong way, but after a few minutes I was completely undressed.

I turned to get into the shower but as I did so I caught my reflection in the mirror and cringed.

In the full body length mirror was a bruised girl. From head to toe she was covered in bruises and carpet burn, some places even bleeding. Her eyes were full of fear and that's what scared me the most, she looked like a fragile princess from a Disney movie. And that girl was me.

I slowly walked up to the mirror and rested my hand on it, my reflection following each movement. I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding and turned away from the mirror.

No wonder Nick couldn't look at me, I look like a monster.

I got into the burning hot shower and let the hot water burn my skin, feeling numb on the inside.

I don't know how long I was in the shower, minutes or hours, who knows. I got into my old underwear and bra and slid on Nick's oversized black V neck.

I made do without a brush and pulled my hair into a ponytail without looking in the mirror and once I was done I walked out in shame.

Sitting on his bed was Nick, looking up when he heard the door open. I kept my eyes on the floor and worked over to the far end of his bed and sat down.

"Sorry I took so long," I managed to lamely mumble without eye contact.

"That's fine," Nick replied some what awkwardly as he stared at my back. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry for coming here and scaring you," I said, apologising again, but this time a little louder.

"Don't apologise," he said forcefully. "You are welcome here at any time and don't think otherwise." He said, avoiding the part where I scared him.

"I need a drink," I said getting up and closing the door behind me.

I moved around his small apartment and it didn't take me long till I found the kitchen but as soon as I did I felt like going back. Standing on the middle of the kitchen was Nick's brother, sipping a glass of water calmly.

I gave a small sign and kept my eyes on the ground as I made my way into the kitchen, hoping he wouldn't see me. Of course that failed.

"Why the hell are you wearing my brothers shirt?" He said like a teen girl discriminating me.

"If you didn't realised I came here in jeans and I can't really sleep in them," I said as I opened every cubed in sight looking for a glass.

"Last door on the left," he said smugly and I could tell he was smirking.

"Thanks," I sighed as I grabbed a glass and filled it.

"So, what gang are you part of?" He asked sounding generally curious.

"The 'my dad bashed me' gang," I said without hesitation, feeling nothing.

"Oh," I heard him mumble, finally speechless. "Sorry."

I just gave him a shrug as I took a gulp of water.

"I'm Sam," said Nick's brother with an awkward smile. "And I'm an angry teen who can admit it, but at least I have a reason."

"What's your reason?" I asked but as soon as I said it his face darkened and instantly I regretted it.

"My dad killed himself," he mumbled while looking at the ground.

"Oh," I said, unsure of what to say. "Well, I guess we're both pretty fucked up then." I said with a shake of my head.

From the corner of my eye I saw Sam go into the fridge and pull out two beers. He gave one to me and raised his.

"To being fucked up," he said as a toast. I quickly popped to lid of mine and hit my bottle against his. "To being fucked up."

We both took a swig of our beer and I felt the cool liquid slide down my throat.

"It's like it doesn't even effect Nick," Sam said, referring to his dad's death. "He just doesn't understand. I need help but I don't want people to think I'm crazy." He debriefed.

"You can talk to me?" I asked, to let him know it was okay and with that he did.

He told me about how he felt, what happened, and how Nick seemed like he doesn't care.

"I'm sure he cares," I said, trying to support Nick.

"I feel like his taking it too... easy. Look at me, I'm a wreck!" He said as he took another swig of his beer. It suddenly crossed my mind that maybe he wasn't meant to be drinking but I immediately dismissed it and took a swig of my own.

"Some people are more emotional," I said with a shrug. "For example, I'm way more emotional than my brother and not just because I'm a girl, he's just better at adjusting to new conditions I guess."

"You have a brother?" Sam asked and I instantly realise I've only met him today.

"Yep, he still lives at home," I said with a shake of my head. "I swear that kid'll never grow up." I said through a slight laugh and suddenly I realised that Luke lives with me therefore his in a house with dad.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked slightly panicked.

"Okay?" Sam replied as he slid the phone over to me.

I dialled in Luke's number and with shaking hands pressed call.

After one ring he instantly picked up. "Oh Alice, I'm so glad to hear from you. We've got a problem," he said and instantly my body relaxed but tensed back up when the last line sunk in.

"Dad's in hospital," Luke said and I bit the inside of my lip at the mention of him.

"Why?" I asked, my voice darkening, but I already knew.

"Someone broke into the house and hit him over the head. His in a coma and the doctors say that there's a good chance he'll never come out," When Luke said that I wasn't sure whether I should feel guilty or relieved, sad or happy.

"Okay," I simply said, emotions confusing me.

"Okay? That's it! Dad's dying and someone broke into our house. Someone's out to kill us, Alice!"

"No one broke into our house and no one's out to kill us," I said calmly.

"Well what the h-" Luke went to carry on but I had cut him off.

"I did it," I said with no emotion.


Sorry this chapter took so long! Stuff happened *cough* school *cough* but I'm back! This chapter hasn't been proof read so I'm real sorry about all the spelling and grammer mistakes. Bye!

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