Chap. 10

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It's been two weeks since Nick tried to apologize. Every day I think back to when he tried to apologize and I go over every scenario possible. What if I just accepted his apology? Would everything be back to normal? Would this feeling of emptiness be gone?

This is ridiculous. I've only known him for a few weeks and it feels like I've known him for a life time.

Alyssa has been a big help through all of this. She's always trying to get me to smile and just forget him for a while although both things seem impossible. I can tell it hurts her to see me so upset and every time I don't laugh at one of her jokes I can almost see her break and that makes me feel 100 times worst.

Luke as also realized how upset I've been but his nowhere near as persistent as Alyssa. He tries every now and again but once he realizes that it's not helping he lets it drop and I'm grateful for that. I don't like hurting them, I really don't, but lately even faking it seems impossible.

For the last week I haven't even been going to school. The first week I did, trying not to let him get to me, but I see him with all my old friend and I feels like his rubbing it in my face. His sitting there talking and laughing, on top of the world, and all I can do is sit and watch, hurt and anger burning inside me.

I know I sound like a jealous angry bitch and I am. I helped him gain popularity and all he did was ignore me and take all the credit.

Common Alice, pull yourself together, I thought to myself. It's not all his fault. You brushed him off when he tried to apologize.

With an over exaggerated sigh I changed sitting positions on the floor. I can't keep blaming him, acting like it's all his fault when it's partially mine. Tomorrow I'm going to go to school, try to get Nick alone and apologize.

I quickly looked around my mess of a room, looking for my alarm clock. I eventually found it on the floor. How it got on the floor, don't ask. I picked it up so the bright red numbers were facing me and almost pass out in shock when I looked at the time. It's 2 in the morning!

I practically sprinted to bed and closed my eyes, willing sleep to pull me under.


After a lot of tossing and turning I guess sleep finally took me because next think I know my alarms blaring and its 7 am.

Reluctantly I rolled out of bed, sleep still wanting me. I slowly made my way to the shower and turned the hot water up full blast and stepped in.

After fiddling with the hot and cold taps for five minutes I finally got out the shower. I wrapped my towel around me and walked into my room but what I saw almost made me lift my arms and drop my towel. Almost.

Standing in the middle of my room, with not a care in the world, is Nick. His dressed in black jeans and a black tee shirt, looking ready for a robbery. Well, who knows, maybe he is. He is standing in the middle of my room and 7.30 in the morning after all.

I awkwardly looked around my room, holding my towel as close to my body as I could. I cleared my throat as I make my way toward my cubed needing to get some clothes on.

"Can you get out for a second?" I asked politely as if he wasn't waiting in my room while I was wearing a towel.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I guess," Nick awkwardly mumbled as he walked into the conjoint bathroom and closed the door.

I let out a shaky breath as I quickly got in a white summer dress as fast as I could.

Once I was dressed I looked up at the ceiling with a shake of my head. What does that boy think his doing?

"How long does it take for girls to get dressed?" Nick exclaimed from the bathroom, breaking my train of thought. If this were a normal situation I would have laughed it off but now I just felt anger.

"What the hell were you doing in my house!?" I yelled at him as I threw the door open. While opening the door I must have opened it on his toe because the next thing I know is the word 'fuck' is echoing through the house and bloods on the floor.

"Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap," Nick said hopping around as blood dripped from his foot. I just stood there, not sure what to do. Finally the weight of the situation hit me and I reacted.

I climbed into the bathtub and turned on the tap.

"Alice," Nick said through the grit of his teeth. "Now's not the time."

Ignoring him I put in the plug and left the tap running. I climbed out and grabbed Nick by the arm and pulled him towards the tub.

"Get in," I commanded Nick, pointing to the tub. Without argument he sat on the edge, his foot under the tap.

We were silent for a few minutes, just watching the blood wash off Nick's foot.

"So why are you at my house?" I asked quietly, the sound of running water filling the silent spaces.

"I wanted to talk to you," Nick said as he turned off the tap and looked at his foot. The nail was a little peeled back but the bleeding had stopped.

"About?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He let out a sigh and looked down at the now full bathtub.

"I wanted to see if you'll forgive me. I've missed you," He said, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"You're forgiven," I said without even thinking. I'm not willing to make the same mistake twice. "But if this happens again prepare to lose an eye." Nick gave a laugh and looked at me.

"Deal," he said smiling at me.

"Well, lets get to school otherwise we'll be late," I said quickly standing up but of cause I forgot there was a full bathtub beneath me and I slipped, landing in the water with a splash.

I quickly sat up, coughing and gasping for air. Suddenly I felt two pairs of hands under my arms, trying to pick me up. I looked up and saw Nick but I then looked to where his was standing and he's inside the bathtub. Before I can tell him it's slippery he lifts me an inch off the tubs ground but the then slips and lands right next to me.

I laugh as I turn to look at a wet Nick drenched in water and gasping for air. He turns and looks at me before he starts laughing. In that moment we probably looked like wet rat maniacs but I don't care, for me that moment was perfect.

Slowly the laughter died out and we just sat there looking at each other, a small smile on both our faces. I looked at all his facial features and for the first time I saw him for what he was. Not a boy who's going to help me regain my popularity. Not the boy who sits at the front of the class quietly. I see him as the boy who helped me, the boy who's there for me and maybe, just maybe, the boy I like.

I see Nick eyes flicker down to my lips and suddenly my heart rate quickens, beating so hard it feels as if it could pop out my chest. Slowly he leaned closer and eventually his lips were pressed against mine. The kiss started out slow, careful but eventually the passion deepened and his soft lips crushed against mine and all thoughts dissolved.

I pulled my body on top of Nick's in a straddle position and ripped his shirt off in one smooth motion. Nick bit down on my lower lip cause a jolt of pleasure to shoot through my body and I groaned in pleasure.

As Nick started to unzip the back of my dress I heard the door burst open.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I heard a man scream. I turned to see a man in his mid-40s with graying hair. At first I didn't know who it was but then it hit me.

"Dad?" I squeaked.


A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter took so long but I have heaps of projects due in school and stuff. I hope the length makes up for it and you like it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment peoples! Xx ;)

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