Chapter 2: Talking With My Future Husband

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Husband...from the future?

My head was spinning and the words he spoke were not computing in my brain. The future?! How could he be from the future?! Or even my husband?! I don't even know this guy!

I was baffled and my face did not try to hide my emotions.

"You're an idiot..." he mumbled as he walked over to me.

I quickly snapped out of my confusion when he used my trigger word: 'idiot.'

"Idiot?! I'm not an idiot! If I were an idiot then I would believe all that trash coming out of your mouth! Time travel, husband from the future, we're married,  blah blah blab, those are all stupid things said to try and trick innocent girls into sleeping with you!"


"You think you can get any girl with your talk of being a time traveler and their husband from the future, but you ain't gonna get me! Sure you're the type of guy that shows up in every girl's wet dreams, but you're not fooling me cuz I only have eyes for Kakashi-senpai!" I quickly sprayed his eyes with my pepper spray and bolted out of the classroom.

Are these the new pickup lines perverts are using nowadays?!

I dashed through the empty hallways and ran for the exit to the school. While running, I lost my grip on the pepper spray and it fell to the floor. Damn it! Now I'm gonna need to buy a new one.

I cut my losses and continued to run. Adrenaline rushed through my body and I reached speeds that I believed only ninjas could obtain. There's no way he'll catch up! But just to be safe-

I took a chance to look behind me, just to make sure he was no where near me; however, the pervert was running after me at full speed.

Is he super human?! How'd he recover so quickly?!

I was almost to the door when the stranger grabbed ahold of my hand, causing me to stop.

"Let go!" I yelled as I tried to escape.

"Naruko, stop yelling."

"No--somebody, help!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The man quickly covered my mouth with his hand. He held me in the form of an embrace from behind and took the chance to whisper my ear as I panted from exhaustion and fear.

"Naruko, please stop yelling...I'll explain everything, so just stop yelling for right now."

His voice worked like a spell and it had me dominated in an instant. I'll just pretend to do what he wants so I can run away and call the cops.

I stopped my yelling and he released me from his hold. I took the chance to distance myself from him, not wanting to test my luck with this pervert. "I stopped yelling so speak!"

He looked around the empty halls as if he were searching for something. He then looked back at me and spoke: "What day is it today?"

"Huh? All this just so you can ask what day it is?"

He glared at me and repeated his question, "What day is it today?"

"Geez okay okay...It's Friday, October 20th. Why'd you wanna know?"

His eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly returned to a calmed composer. "Is there a basketball game happening today at this school?"

How does he know that...? Did he like, stalk the school? Whatta creep...

Because I Love You (SasuNaru AU) ✔Where stories live. Discover now