"No, I'm done," Harry said with a chuckle. I nodded at him, a smile growing on my face. I was glad I had someone who I could so easily get along with and talk to. I never really had that. Even when I did have friends I was never in one spot for too long. Never really knowing where I fit in. But with Harry, I felt one hundred percent myself. Finally feeling like I found the missing puzzle to my lonely piece. "Okay so, show me what you know." Harry moved his hand in front of him signaling me to start the car.

     I tried to think back to the nine years before, in the parking lot of my old school, and bring forward the memories of how to drive a manual. I really hoped this was one of those things that are like riding a bike, then again I wasn't very good at driving a stick then I definitely wouldn't be now. I placed my left foot down all the way on the clutch and my right foot all the way down on the break, reaching the stick, making sure it was in neutral, I slowly turned the key as the car roared to life.

     "Okay starting it, I apparently can do," I said blowing out the air that I was holding in my lungs.

     "A great start. Now what?" Harry smiled over at me. All I wanted to was jump out of this car and not do this, but when he looked at me like that I felt like I was floating off the ground and that I could do anything. I checked behind me to make sure no one was driving past as I shifted the car into first gear. No one was coming so I slowly took my foot off the brake and began the transition between the clutch and the gas. I moved my feet to fast killing the car.

     "I told you," I said as I placed both of my hands on my head in frustration.

     "Calm down. It happens. Just try again," he said placing his hand on my shoulder with a squeeze. "Take a deep breath and when you are ready, go for it." I relaxed at his words, but I was still nervous to continue, but I didn't want to give up, especially with him here supporting me. I took a deep breath and started the whole process over, this time slowing down my feet movements. The car roared to life and pulled forward. I was in control and I was doing it. A smile filled my face as I began the drive. "See there you go. I knew you could do it. Now just turn left up here."


    "This is the bus?" I asked Harry as I stared up at the bus, from my seat. Harry had told me where to go, leading us to a basically empty lot that just contained the bus we would be on for the drive to Toronto.

     "Yes. What did you expect?" He asked as he stepped out of the car, grabbing his backpack from the small storage compartment in the back.

     "I don't really know. It is just so big. I didn't realize how big tour busses are I guess." I opened my door and stepped out as I continued to stare at the massive piece of metal in front of us.

     "Wait until you see inside," he said as he reached my side, grabbing my hand and leading me forward. He seemed excited while I was nervous. I wasn't sure why, but I had no idea what to expect.

     "Cutting it a little close, there guys," Jeff said standing next to the open door of the bus.

     "We made it before noon didn't we?" Harry chuckled.

     "Eleven fifty-nine. So I guess yes," Jeff said looking at his watch. He looked back up to us with an eye roll, but a joking smile, clear on his face.  "Alright off you go, just remember you need to be in Toronto by four pm tomorrow for the PR interview," Jeff said stepping away from the door.

    "Yes sir," Harry said handing him the keys to the car that I handed him once I parked the car. "Thank you, Jeff." Harry wrapped Jeff up in a hug before letting him go and stepping up onto the bus.

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