The Entrance Exam

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After, what ever that was. We were sent to our designated testing fields, and as of now were just sitting. Well really standing around, waiting for the test to start. Me and Nejire are just discussing our strategy for the test. In short, we fly around, drop, kill robots, then start flying again. And rice and repeat. Pretty simple but it should get the job done.

"Well, I guess we just haft to sit around and wait till it starts hu." Nejire says as she starts to do a few stretches. "Yeah, not much more we can do, well as of right now anyways." I respond also doing a few stretches. "Well, I guess you could make some fire. You know. Give us a bit of a head start."

"Well, I guess. But to be honest it kinda fells like cheating. I mean, If I start know who know's how easy this exam might turn out to be." I say letting out a small sigh. "Well I guess, but It also almost guarantee at least your entry. I'd probably pass but I'm not going to say I will in case I jinx it."

"Yeah, but my  god it's taking them a long time to start this god damn test." I say resting my hands on my neck. It's probably been about 10 minuets sense they've put us out here. And were still waiting it's ether a problem on there side or there testing our patients.

Though I can definitely see it being both. "Yeah I know right? Like com-" "START!" "Well shit! Nejire!" I shout out running slightly ahead of her, for her to take a good few hops back. Nejire then starts to release shock waves from her feet propelling herself upwards into the air.

She quickly readjusts herself and shoots herself right above me with her hand lower for me to grab. I grab on as we take off. The plan is to head to the middle of the testing field first, and then work out way to the back. We leave the front so that the rest of the competitors can get some points.

As were flying towards the center, I begin to exhale mass amounts of fire and store it around mt body as much as I can. using some of it to speed us up as well. As we reach the center we can see robots left and right pretty much everywhere. The entire testing field is resembling a modern city, so we decide to land at the center of one of  the intersections.

"You take left I got right!" I call to Nejire. "I'm going to haft to launch you! These things look like there about to fire, I'm going to haft to go in from above!" Nejire calls back to me. "That's fine! Lets rock this place!" I shout out once again as Nejire swerves around a few shots form some of the robots.

"And FIRE!" Nejire calls out as she trows me towards the right side of the intersection using some shock waves from her hands to launch me faster. I direction myself towards the ground using my fire to slow my fall just a bit, as I do this I charge as much fire as I can into my left hand.

As I'm about to make impact I use as much fire as I can at my feet, once again completely melting my shoes, to slow my fall and land gently on the ground. Right as thats happening, a few of the robots have noticed me and the ones with guns, what I assume are the 3 and 2 pointers, get ready to fire at me.

But before they could I release the mass amount of fire I have stored up into a sort of blast. Completely melting all of the robots that had gotten caught into it, even catching a few bullets that they had started to fire. I hope to god that those are rubber. As I finish up the last few robots left on my side, I hear a massive quaking sound and what seams to be metal crushing followed short behind it.

As I turn around I see Nejire there with her hands on the ground sending direct shock waves right into the ground tearing it to pieces. With what is the remains of a shock wave flowing into the ground from above her destroying any robots in the general vicinity of it. V-Create Quake, I say in my head as I gather the remains of my fire. Witch is still a good about but I did lose about 25% of it from my estimate. 

But as long as I can breath it doesn't really matter. I have the fire cling onto me like a form of armor as I start to head towards Nejire to pick her up. I really don't want her to fly too much as she'd get tired out too fast and might ruin her chances. So the only time I wanted her to fly was at the start as when she flies she's much faster than me, unless I have a ton of fire.

I lower the heat of my fire as I fly above her and pick her up looking for another group of bots to destroy.

Hello peeps! It's me again. Sorry for no update yesterday, but If you had saw my post you would have saw that I was working on some sketches of hero suits for Izuku and Nejire. There not done yet. But they will definitely be done by the time of the mock battle. And so far. I'm really happy with them, and I think you guys, gals, and attack helicopters will like them. But besides for that. I hope you liked the chapter. And down the line there will be a whole chapter about Izuku AND Nejires moves. I decided not to give the journal entry for V-Create Quake, mainly because Nejire doesn't do the journals like Izuku. So I think I'll make a chapter probably right before the mock battle about there moves and combo moves as well. As, they'll use a lot of different moves during the 2 v 18 battle. But anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter. And might I comment on how were already almost at 6k reads, it's been (including this chapter) 2 chapters sense the 5k special! my god! Thank you peeps. But anyways thats all for today. Again hope you enjoined. And I'm not a broken record I promise I just side track myself on these notes and I don't change them around as I feel it shows more about, well me. K, I'm done now. 

And remember, the Future is Now so...
Don't Kill Yourself~ (Really Don't)

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