Chapter 14: The Key of Aaravos

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Adalena dodged Rayla's attack and laughed. "Rayla, dear, your form's sloppy."

"Who are you to be talking about my form?" Rayla swung her swords. "You're just a crazy old elf."

Adalena blocked Rayla's attack with her staff. "Underestimating your opponent is a fatal mistake."

"How'd you get so good?"

"Years of practice," said Adalena. "You're not the only one here with a warrior's training. Back in the day, I was a General for the Star Touch elves."

With a quick move, Adalena pushed Rayla back and took the offensive. Rayla blocked and dodged, each time barely missing the blows.

"Callum, hurry!" Rayla yelled. "I can't do this for much longer!"

With Rayla's moment of distraction Adalena finally made a hit. Rayla received a hard blow to her stomach and she felt a sense of Deja Voo.

This was the scene Rayla had seen in the fog. The events that would result in her being trapped in the mirror were happening right now.

Her heart dropped.

If she didn't fix this she was going to end up stuck behind a mirrored surface forever.

Think Rayla!

In order to stop this, she had to figure out Adalena's plan. If Aaravos had been the one in Callum's dream and Adalena was his sister, then why had she helped them? Why help them re-seal her brother? Unless her plan had been for this to happen. Unless the solution Callum had gotten form the fog wasn't the solution but actually the cause.

"Callum!" Rayla cried. "Stop!"

"Don't worry. I'm going to fix this!" Callum stood by the mirror gems in hand.

"Callum don't-"

Rayla's sentence was cut off as Adalena picked her up and threw her against the wall. "I see  you've figured my plan."

"You won't get away with it! Call-"

Adalena covered Rayla's mouth. "I'm truly sorry Rayla. I like you and Callum, but my brother needs me. Plus he can fix my mind so that I'm not like this anymore." Tears filled Adalena's eyes. "You have no idea what it's like to be so insane that you can't even trust your own mind."

Rayla felt a flicker of hope. Adalena wasn't a bad person she was just being led astray by her evil brother. She wrenched her face out of Adalena's grip. "Did you ever considering that maybe your brother is the reason you've gone so crazy."

"No, I went crazy after Orion died-"

"Did you? The insanity you suffer from is more than just grief. How long has Aaravos been inside your head?"

"I don't know..." Adalena was getting flustered. "I can't even remember. Maybe a few centuries, but he would never hurt me."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Enough!" Adalena threw Rayla on the ground and tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Rayla jumped up and put her swords up defensively.

"For everything." Adalena charged but instead of using her staff, she threw something into Rayla's eyes.

Rayla gasped. Whatever Adalena had put in her eyes stung and burned like crazy. She blinked repeatedly but the pain didn't go away. "What did you do?"

"I took away your ability to fight me." Rayla heard Adalena say from her right. "You can't fight if you can't see."

"No," muttered Rayla desperately rubbing her eyes, but it was too late the world was black. She started fumbling around the room in a panic. "Help! Please, someone, help me!"

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