Field Trip

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What would you guys think if I added Parley (Peter/Harley) in a later one shot? Because idk, but I think that ship is kinda adorable. 

3rd Person POV

Peter was currently banging his head against the bus seat, to Ned's horror. 

'But why would this precious cinnamon roll want to hurt himself?' you might ask, well, the answer is four words. Stark Tower field trip. To any other kid in the world, that would be the best thing they have ever heard of. 

But not Peter, no, nothing normal ever happens to Peter. He was Tony's personal intern, well that's what him and Tony call it. To any of the other Avengers, or Pepper, they are 100% a father-son duo. 

Stupid Parker Luck Peter mumbled to himself. There are so many schools in New York, why did we have to go on this field trip? What if someone figures out my secret? Will I have to move away? What if-

Peter was taken out of his thoughts by a swift hit to head by a book. 

"MJ? What the hell?" Peter said, slightly offended. 

"Stop doing that." She said gesturing to him. 

"Stop doing what? I wasn't doing anything."

"Yes you were, you were A) banging your head on the seat and B) overthinking everything that could possibly happen." 

"Okay, now you need to stop being creepy and knowing everything about me."

"I can't help it, it's a talent." She shrugged. 

"Guys! Stop talking! We're here!" Ned interrupted, looking up at the tower in awe. 

Peter and MJ stopped talking, knowing that if they didn't, their friend might strangle them. 

"Alright kids, single file, get off of the bus neatly." Their teacher said. 

Obviously, the kids ignored him, and almost ran over him while running off of the bus. 

"Thank you, sir." Peter said to the bus driver. 

"You're welcome kid, say hi to Tony for me." The old, white-haired, man said to him with a wink. 

"How did you-"

"Peter, come on!"

Peter shook away his confusion and followed his friends inside the tower. 

Watching all of the students, even his teacher, Peter couldn't' help but chuckle. Although, he probably would've had the same reaction if he hadn't basically lived here. 

"Welcome to Stark Tower." The woman, who Peter was assuming was their tour guide said, walking up with a bucket full of cards.

Lucky for her, the class was actually paying attention because they were at the best place in New York. And they just wanted to get on with the trip and see the tower.

"I'm Madelyn and I will be your tour guide today. Now, if you could all grab a badge from this bucket, that would be great. But please come up neatly." The students disregarded her last sentence and rushed up to her as fast as they could. Peter felt sorry for her, because he knows how loud high schoolers can be. 

Peter, Ned, and MJ hid in the back, hoping that nobody would notice the fact that they didn't grab passes. Peter didn't need one because, well, he's Peter, and Ned and MJ come here a lot with him so they needed passes just so it was easier for Peter. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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