I'm Fine, Mr. Stark

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I just need more ideas.
This story takes place after Homecoming. But the Avengers tower wasn't sold. And after May found out Peter was Spider-Man, she kicked him out. So Tony took Peter in  

~Peter's POV~

Ouch! I may or may not have slipped off of my web, and fell like 50-60 feet. But it's fine! I've gotten worse before. And it could've been worse, I fell onto another building, not onto the streets. Who am I kidding? It hurts like hell. But hopefully Karen won-"Mr. Parker, you seem to have gotten a mild concussion from the fall you just took." I sigh internally, I should've known that an AI would find out I'm hurt. "I'm fine, Karen. Nothing I can't handle."

"Do you need me to contact Mr. Stark?""No no no no no! You don't have to contact him, I'm fine. It's just a little concussion, nothing I can't han-" I'm interrupted by the glory of tripping on air, and because I'm really dizzy from the fall, but I'm not about to tell Karen because she'll tell Mr. Stark. "I am to alert Mr. Stark of any injury that might affect you like this." "I'm fine I swear." But my Parker Luck has to prove me wrong because I fall over again from dizziness.

"Calling Mr. Stark..." "No! No don't do tha-"Then his face appeared in front of me. "Hey kid! What's up? Why'd you call?" Of course, Mr. Stark answered in less than a second. "Umm..I uhh...actually didn't call you, Karen did." A look of confusion crossed his face, then realization. "I programmed Karen to call me if you're hurt! What happened to you? Is it bad? Do you need me to come get you?" "No, Mr. Stark. I'm perfectly fine, I don't know why Karen even called you."

"Actually, Mr. Stark. Peter seemed to have gotten a mild concussion after falling around 60 feet. He insisted he was fine, before he started stumbling from dizziness, I assume." I seriously thought I was going to die right then and there.

"Kid! That's not what I would call 'fine' that is serious!" I just smiled sheepishly at him. "But Mr. Stark, I really am fine. I don't feel a thing, and I have good healing anyway." I stand up to show him that I'm fine, only to fall over again, but almost off of the edge...like maybe 3 inches from the edge. That made Mr. Stark go over the edge. "SHIT!" I flinched at the loud noise, which he noticed. "I'm sorry, I forgot about your hearing. I'll be over as fast as I can, please don't try to move and definitely don't try to stand up." As I tried to cut him off, telling him I'm fine, he hung up.

He said to stay down, so I'm doing the logical thing and trying to get up. As I try to stand again, I got dizzy and black spots danced around my eyesight. As I started blacking our, I could feel myself falling off of the 150 foot building.

~~Time skip brought to you by waiting almost a year for Far From Home to Come Out~~

Tony's POV

I was worried about the kid, just mean, he's like a son to me. Even though I can't even get him to call me Tony instead of Mr. Stark.

It's not just the fall, I know he can handle that, it's that he looked so sleep deprived (I know, I'm a bad influence on that) and then his fall just made him more confused and dizzy. But of course, he had to just say he was fine, which he certainly wasn't. He probably hasn't eaten or slept at all for a week. He puts others above himself, which is great no he needs to look after himself. Oh God, I sound like a dad....

As I was flying to the building Karen told me Peter was at, I saw a red figure go up then fall towards the edge of a building. As I look closer, I realize that's Peter! "KID! I'm coming!" I try to speed up as he falls off of the edge, but I couldn't move as fast as I needed to. No, no, NO! Not you too, please don't get hurt. I can't lose you..

Right before he hit the ground, I snatched him up bridal style. I immediately let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. He was safe, he was fine. I got to the tower as quick as I could so I could get him checked.

Peter's POV

I woke up to very bright lights. And I think even for normal people, those would be bright. As I look around, I see Mr. Stark asleep in a chair next to me. "Mr. Stark?" I tried shaking him awake, but it wouldn't work. He's probably pretty tired, I mean, the man gets no sleep. "Tony?" Nothing "Dad?" I know, I don't seem like I would say that, I barely call him Tony. But he's like a father to me. He's always concerned for my health and he's too nice to me. At that, he shot up in his chair. I immediately turned bright red, knowing he probably heard me.

"Pete! You're okay! I was so worried, you wouldn't wake up. I was so scared that y-" "Mr. Stark I'm fine, look!" I said cutting him off with jazz hands. He looked a little tears eyed. "But you weren't! I figured out you haven been sleeping OR eating! You were out for a week!" That shocked me. "A week?!? Oh no! I missed school! What's going to happen? Does Ned know! Does he care? What if he didn't noti-" now it was Tony's turn to cut me off. "I notified the school, made up some random story. But I'm Tony Stark so they'll believe anything I say. And yes, I told Ned. He called your phone at least a hundred times after the first 10 minutes of school. He was worried, but I told him what happened."

That made me relieved. At least I know I still have my best friend. But my cheeks were still tinted pink because of what happened earlier. What if Mr. Stark thinks I'm weird? Will he kick me out? Where will I go? I can't go back to May's house, who knows what she'll do.

I started hyperventilating, which Tony noticed. "Are you okay? I'm sorry that you missed school." He didn't realize what this was about. "I'm sorry." I choked out. I didn't even realize I was crying until that happened. "Peter, there's nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong." He was actually doing a really good job of comforting me. "I'm sorry. I know it's weird. You can kick me out. I'll go find somewhere to live. I know, I probably got too attached to you." I think he got what I was freaking out about.

Tony's POV

Just hearing that broke my heart. Why would Peter think I would kick him out? What is weird? I was so confused. But then it hit me like a load of bricks. He was apologizing for calling me dad. He didn't realize that I thought of him as my son. He thinks that I'm going to kick him out because I think he's weird. I swear, this kid it too good for this world.

"Peter, I don't think you're weird. I'm not kicking you out. And I most definitely don't hate you." I took a deep breath before going onto my next words, "In fact, I think of you as my son. When you called me dad, that made me so happy. It brightens up my day to see you, and I'm glad you see me as a father figure. When you where out, I could barely sleep. I gave you as much nutrients as you needed, and only fell asleep when I literally passed out. Kid, I could never hate you, because I love you too much." Tears started falling out of my eyes like waterfalls. Peter started to cry a little bit too.

"Thank you so much Mr-Ton-Dad?" I laughed at that. "Call me whatever you want, kid." "But really, thank you Mr. Stark. I appreciate it so much. I never really had a stable family, and you have given that to me. And for that, thank you." He tacked me in a hug, which I gladly returned.

"Now, lets go watch a movie and eat ice cream! Since your better!" I said whole jumping up. "Okay, sounds great." Peter giggled out. We ran to the family room and watched the Star Wars movies together. Like a family. I hope it can stay this way forever.

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