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~Peter's POV~

As soon as Happy parked the car, I raced onto the lounge area. I had to tell dad that I got an A in my science test! I mean, it was super easy. Like I could do it in my sleep. But STILL an A is an A.

My name is Peter Stark. Nobody knows except for Tony (dad), Pepper (mom), Ned (I trusted him, he's my best friend), and MJ (I don't know how she found out. But she's MJ and that woman knows everything). Parker is just a cover up because dad and mom wanted me to have a half normal life and hide me from the press as much as possible. This is top secret, not even the Avengers know. Well, except for Aunt Nat, but she know everything so that doesn't count.

"Welcome back, Peter." As soon as I came in the door, dad's AI greeted me. "Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y." I say while getting into the elevator. "Can you being me to the main lounge?" "Of course, Mr. Stark." I cringed at that name. "Just call me Peter, when your say Mr. Stark it makes me sound like my dad." The elevator gets up really fast, especially since I'm going to the top.

"Dad?" I called out as I got of of the elevator. "Hello? Dad? Mom?" I hear noises coming from the lounge. I burst in. "Dad, guess what!" I froze as soon as I walked in. Turns out dad was having a meeting. And not just a normal meeting, no my Parker Luck wouldn't allow that, no it's with the AVENGERS. "Dad?" Everyone (except Nat) asked simultaneously looking from me to dad. But instead of answering, dad just froze like I did.

As my cheeks start to heat up, I spot Aunt Nat. "Aunt Nat!" I exclaimed while running towards her. "Hey Peter." Her cold demeanor immediately faded away when she saw me. I just tackled her in a hug, which she gladly returned. While this was happening, the Avengers were confused and in awe. They were in awe because it's very hard for Nat to look soft, and I did it very easily.

"Okay! Stark" my dad and I both looked towards Steve "what the hell is going on?"

"I-umm-you know-Pete-he's m-ya." Dad just stutters, he has no idea what to say. All while this was happening, Natasha was dying of laughter in the background at Tony's reaction.

Dad wasn't getting any closer to telling them about me so I decided to step in. "Hey everyone! I'm Peter, Peter Stark." I think just that made everyone's jaws drop. "Tony is my dad and Pepper is my mom." "Biologically?" Dad just rolls his eyes at Sam. "Yes, he's my actual son. Not adopted."

"Wait, wait, wait. Why and how does Natasha know?" Clint asks eyeing Nat. "Nat know everything." I say. "That's very true. Remember, Clint? I knew about your family before everyone else. I know everything, it's what I do." Natasha responded, her cold look coming back whenever she isn't looking at me. Dad claps his hands together. "So, anymore questions for Peter? Since your all here." This time Bucky speaks, "Yeah, his voice sounds very familiar, Tony. Why does it seem like I know him?" Once he says that, everyone realizes that they recognized my voice from somewhere.

That's when my anxiety kicked in. SHIT! Sorry Cap! They all know Spiderman! I fought half of them. I started sweating and shaking which dad noticed, so he came over to help me. All of the Avengers looked like they were deep in thought, probably trying to figure out how they knew me.

"TONY!" Steve barked "YOU BROUGHT A TEENAGER TO GERMANY!?!" That made me flinch. Steve was already really loud, but because of my enhanced hearing, it was even louder. I got a really bad migraine and felt dizzy. I let out a whimper as I fell to the couch. Dad panicked and ran over to me, kneeling beside me. Natasha ran to grab my earplugs and glasses, as she's done this before.

Even though everyone was whispering, it felt like they were yelling. While dad was putting on my things, he told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to get mom. Natasha, being the overprotective spidermom (Even though Pepper is my real mom, I call Nat spidermom because she's Black Widow) that she is, she walked up to Steve, looking like she was going to murder him. I mean, if looks could kill, he would've died a million times. She went and slapped him. "You idiot! You can't just scream out of nowhere! You figured out he's Spiderman, so you should've known he has enhanced hearing. Your yelling sounds like your yelling into a megaphone, next to his ear, only ten times worse." I barely heard her, and I have great hearing, but nobody else did. But everyone figured out that she was threatening him because he looked scared for his life. She threatened him some more, but I had my earplugs on so I couldn't hear anymore of it.

"Peter!" I hear Pepper come through the door. "Mom?" I croaked out. "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay? What happened? Do you need anything?" I just shook my head and hugged her. She kissed the top of my head and hugged me back. As she scanned the room, she saw that the Avengers were here. "Yes, they know that Peter is our son." Tony said before Pepper could ask.

While looking around, she saw Steve. Not just normal, happy, patriotic Steve. Oh, no. She saw him and he looked terrified. "What happened to you, Steve?" She asked, her voice and face full of concern. Very few things can make Captain America frightened, much less terrifies, considering all that he's been through. Whatever happened must have been bad. "Spidermom happened." I told her. "Steve found out Peter was Spiderman, then yelled at Tony, not realizing that Peter has enhanced hearing." Natasha explained while filing her nails with a knife. "Then, I'm assuming, Natasha went and had a 'pep talk' with Cap." Clint said, using finger quotes. Pepper gave Steve a half sympathetic look. She was only a little upset about Peter because he didn't know.

Steve walked over to Peter, making sure to use the quietest voice possible. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't realize that my yelling would affect you so much. I promise to try and never to that again. I'm so sorry, Peter." Instead of responding, I just gave him a hug. He looked surprised for a minute, but immediately hugged me back.

"So know you all know, Peter is Spiderman. I'm sorry we didn't tell you before, we just didn't know how." Although they all didn't agree that a teenager should be an Avenger ("technically, I'm not an Avenger, dad just asked me to come to Germany." I clarified), they let it go eventually. So it all ended up being good.

Peter ended up being like a son/brother to all of the Avengers. Everyone loves him. Even Loki has a soft spot for the boy, which surprised everyone, including Thor. No matter what he did, Peter always made everyone happy, without fail.

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