4- Drowning -4

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Wanda looked around. "I can get in his head" she offered. The others looked at her. 

"Can you see-" Tony started. He choked. "Can you see if he's still there?" He muttered. Wanda nodded. The others scoped out the wall. Wanda gasped and sunk. She covered her mouth. She fell against the wall, and let a tear fall down her face.

 "He-He- he's glad- He's given up..." Wanda whispered. Her shoulders shook with sobs. 

Clint shook his head. "Vis, where is he?" 

"He seems to be in a small air pocket inside this wall." His calm android voice confirmed. 

"Wanda, blow it. Blow it to god damn bits." Steve Uttered. "Tony's right, the kids freaking fifteen. He shouldn't be giving up, we gotta get him out of there." 

"Yeah, no shit steve-" Tony said. Wanda nodded. The wall started to crack.


The smile on his face faded as his head was covered with ice-cold water. He thrashed around in his chair, and his ropes came loose. He slipped out of the chair and swam to the top. 

The final inch of air was covered with water. He screamed one last desperate plea, before slipping back underwater. He ached and let himself sink. His lungs burned without air. His chest throbbed, and his stomach ached with the sudden movement. He didn't feel anything anymore. But he was oddly calm. 

His vision was spotty, and he sucked in air, except it wasn't air. It was water. the sudden inhale of water caught peter off guard, he took another breath. It felt good to have something in his lungs. He sunk down to the bottom and his vision cut off. And he fell back into unconsciousness. 


Wanda continued to break the wall. the pressure from the water broke the rest of the rock. The team rushed into the empty cavity and saw peter lying on the cold stone floor. They carried his weak and battered body out and laid him on the grass. crimson stained the green blades beneath him, and his chest, standing contrast to his pale bruised body and purple lips. His brown curls were flattened over his face, the only part of him that was the same. He looked like a different boy. He looked smaller. Calmer than the jittery peter they knew. it was sickening. Utterly sickening. 

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