2- Painful screaming -2

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The avengers stood huddled in a circle. The air getting crisp as the sun started setting. Steve rubbed his temples. "What the hell are we going to do? We lose light in an hour"

Tony pulled at his hair. "My god I can't lose this kid steve, he's too young for this shit." Tony let a quivered breath escape. Natasha shook her head. She laid a comforting hand on Tony's shoulder. 

"I'm calling backup," Natasha said. She hid her face in her hair, trying to hide the feared expression in her eyes. Clint angrily grabbed his bow and quiver. 

"While you guys are here and panicking, I'm gonna start the search." He marched off in the direction of the last place peter was. As he walked, all he could think of was his daughter. She was a bit younger than Peter now. God, He couldn't imagine it. His daughter in this situation, Clint couldn't bear to think of it. He shook his head and kept marching on through the woods. He was more determined than ever to find Peter. 


Peter woke up to a sharp blade held against his throat. He didn't dare swallow, as the fear of the cold blade cutting into his skin. He tensed his muscles in the chair quickening his breathing. The man behind him pressed the knife further into his throat, the burning of the blade piercing his skin made peter feel a sense of fear like he never felt before. Worse than homecoming, worse than that. He was scared for his life more than ever. 

"Your friends aren't going to find you here little boy."  The man traced the knife up and down his throat. "There is no way that you are going to get out. And your little friends are going to hear you die. A slow, painful, excruciating death, parker."

The man's fist connected to Peters's nose. A nauseating crack was heard. Peter screamed in pain. 

Peter whimpered, the throbbing in his skull, outweighed the excruciating anxiety that riddled his mind. Peter felt the tip of the blade touch his chin. He stopped. Another cry in pain followed the muscular fist as it connected to peter's abdomen. He felt his ribs cracking. He cried out before heaving a frantic painful sigh.

"You know Petey, this isn't the first time I've killed someone. And it won't be my last" The chilling voice cackled. 

The man took the blade from peters chin. He relaxed for a second before a sudden familiar tingle started buzzing at the base of his skull. His eyes darted around the room before an agonizing pained scream filled the room. Peter felt the hot sensation fill his chest before the pain set in. Buring, ache in his chest, coupled with the sticky liquid falling from the stab wound.

"Enjoy your final moments." The man muttered. Peter heard a door close behind him, and he could've sworn he heard Clint yelling out for him, but at this point, he didn't know what sounds were what. The water pouring in was almost at his knees, his breath turned to painful wheezes, and he let a silent tear fall down his face. He couldn't breathe, He couldn't feel his chest, the burning was numbing him at this point, He was glad for it.  He could only feel himself slowly dying. He knew it. He let himself slip into unconsciousness. He was fine with it at this point. 


Tony started to freak out. "Steve dammit, What the hell are we going to do, Steve?"  

"Tony, I don't know what we can do." steve sighed. "Listen, Peter is a strong kid, -"

"Steve! What the hell! " Tony stepped up to steve. He was shaking. "He isn't us  Cap, he's 15, he's a kid. He can't handle this shit. This is only his third mission. This isn't your kid, steve, he's not mine, he's not Nat's, he's may's. And we're just letting this happen to him." Tony wiped a tear from his eye before he let it fall. Steve shoved Tony. Tony stared at him a shocked and hurt expression. 

"Listen, You can not  freak out right now!" Steve yelled. He pushed Tony into a sitting position. Natasha seemed to materialize out of nowhere. 

Natasha pulled the two apart. 

"You IDIOTS! Stop fighting!" She yelled. She put a comforting hand on Tony's shoulder. His breathing was quick and panicked. And his back heaved with silent sobs. Nat glared at Steve and mouthed- You know how he gets steve.- Nat took a deep breath. Steve awkwardly fiddled with his fingers. 

"Now, before you two started this, did you listen to the recording? did you even hear the last part?" She questioned. An annoyed tone in her voice. 

"You mean the part where he screamed out in pain and then passed out after being stabbed?" tony shuddered. 

"No, I mean the part when you could hear Clint." She said. Steve and Tony looked at her, with bewildered looks on their faces. 

"Ok, Ok, just listen." She sighed. Friday replayed the part. Clint's voice could be heard. Yelling for Peter. 

"How long ago was that recording?" Steve asked. He wrung his hands. 

"Ten minutes." 

"Where's Clint now," Tony asked. 

"Right behind you" Clint walked up to the trio. "What's going on? Anything on Peter yet?" 

"Where were you ten minutes ago?" Natasha asked. 

"I can show you?" Clint offered. Tony stood up, a determined look spread across his face. 

"take us there." 


Water seeped into the room. The air was pungent with chlorine and chemicals. Peter didn't realize it, but he was close. Close to the avengers, but also, close to death. 


End of chapter two, more to come. 


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