Chapter One - Y/N

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Now, I'm sure you're pretty startled by the sudden change in emotions and the unsettling twist that randomly happened, whoever is reading this, but I'm warning you now; stuff like this happens a lot. We aren't exactly the most stable group of people around, obviously, and my quirks like to go haywire on me, and it can be pretty bad sometimes. I'm sorry to burden you with my mental breakdowns, but you chose to read my story, so here we are.

A knock on my door scared me, as I was lost in my thoughts again, but I spoke, my voice hollow, allowing them in.

"Are you okay, Y/N? I heard the noise stop." Kurogiri once again did not bat an eye at my state; this wasn't something he hadn't seen before, weird stuff with my quirks has happened since before I can remember. The artificial stuff will do that to you, apparently. 

"Yeah." I brushed the shards away from my little spot on the floor where I had kind of raged out.

What was Midoriya that I wasn't?!

"Do you need anything?" He asked the regular questions, making sure I was okay. I was sitting on my legs to hide the shards, because I know he'd go all Dad on me about that, so besides that I was appearing to be physically okay. 

Was it because I wasn't like you?


And with that, my door was shut and Kurogiri was gone, leaving me to assume that he warped out of the hallway judging by the complete silence. I staggered to my feet, my legs strangely warm from the blood, and my sight doubled for a second. My losing control of my telekinesis often led to my overusing my telekinesis, which feels like crap. Overusing any quirk feels like crap, ask anybody. I shakily opened the door and limped as quickly as possible down the hall to the bathroom, shutting the door and flicking the lights on. I lowered my legs into the tub, running the water and gritting my teeth at the sting of the cuts, trying to rinse off the blood as well as possible with the shards still buried in my skin, which I had no clue as to how I was going to get those out.

"Y/N?" That raspy voice asked, confused.

I turned to see Tomura, obviously in the bathroom to wash up, wearing black sweatpants and no shirt, glaring at me quizzically. I don't even know if he was glaring at me, really, he just has a resting bitch face.

"Hey..." I forced. "The door was shut and the lights were on, why don't you try knocking? If you want me to see you shirtless so bad, you could have just said something."

"Can you ever shut up?" He growled.

"What? I'm not disappointed. I can tell you've been eating, and I can see muscle. You're starting to get a six pack, Handsy." I rambled, trying to distract him from my legs, because I really don't need him giving me shit about losing control. It's hard enough as it is. He saw right through it, though, and stepped closer, looking over me at my legs.

"What the hell did you do, Y/N?" He asked, grabbing something from the cabinet under the sink. "Idiot, you're lucky you didn't cut too deep. You'd bleed out."

"I lost control." I snapped. "Obviously. Since when do you care if I'm okay? Just leave, I've got this."

"Be quiet." He sat beside me on the tub, and I saw that he had tweezers. Wordlessly, he began removing the shards of glass. He sure as hell wasn't gentle, but removed them quickly and fully from both legs, and bandaged up the open cuts. I watched him work, ever so careful that he didn't touch me with all his fingers, and was a little confused. Since when does he ever care, or help me get my injuries cleaned out? I've helped him stitch up wounds before, but that's about it. We mostly keep to ourselves in that aspect.

"I'm helping you because I know why you were pissed off." Tomura said, basically reading my mind. "I asked Master about it, because research only got me so far. All Might. I know about it."

"Well, I know about Nana and that whole situation. It's fine, Tomura."

Like it was said before, we would never admit it, but we're friends. I trust Shigaraki with my life, and vice versa. We grew up together, we know almost everything about one another. I understand why he is the way he is and I'm one of the few people he's allowed himself to trust and get close to, and once again, vice versa. Over this past year or so though, we fell into this easy business-partner-type relationship because of our goals to kill All Might and to grow the League Of Villains, and haven't actually talked in quite a while. I'm not saying either of us want to talk, I'm just making a point.

"I hate him. I don't want to ever be like him." I spoke softly, so softly that I didn't think Tomura heard me at first.

"You're not him." 

That was all he said before turning off the water and turning away. I stood, my balance still wobbly, and silently went to my room, knowing he felt the wordless appreciation in the bathroom before I left.

A Shattering Touch - Tomura Shigaraki X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang