"Hey," She said softly.

"what are you doing still up? It's 4 in the morning. You've been up nearly all night."

Clare looked down, "I can't sleep"

"But you're tired, you clearly have eye bags"

"Gee thanks"

Daniel laughed, "I didn't mean it like that"

Clare didn't respond, silence filling the room. He wanted to make her feel better but he had no idea how. He sighed.

"Clare, I know you're going through some things but everything's gonna turn out fine. Maybe even better than you think"

She looked at him, "How are you sure?"

He smiled, "Because you're Clare. An amazing woman. You're strong and you know what's right. We all trust you"

She smiled, "Thank you"

Daniel looked down, his heart skipping a beat. He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Clare, I think you're incredible. I think you're gorgeous and lately I.."

She looked at him, afraid at the words that were about to come from his mouth.

He looked at her, grabbing her hand softly. "I really like you, You make me feel happy and all kinds of cheesy feelings."

Clare looked down, "Daniel, I'm glad you have the courage to tell me this but I-"

"Don't feel the same way. Yes, I know" He said cutting her off.

"Then why are you telling me this?"

"Because I believe it's better to get it off your chest instead of hiding it. I am not forcing you into anything nor am I asking for you to have an affair of some sort. I guess I just wanted to let you know how I feel"

Clare smiled, "thank you, Daniel"

He nodded, "Lucas is lucky to have you."

Clare looked down, butterflies fluttering at the saying of his name. Daniel smiled, loving the way she softens up.

"Well, I'll be heading back to bed," He said and stood up. He looked down at her.

"And you should too"

Clare stood up and nodded, "I will, goodnight daniel"

He walked up to her hugging her softly. He planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Goodnight, Clare"

Clare smiled warmly, watching him leave before looking back once more at the studio. Her heart softened, remembering when he played the piano so beautifully.

"One more dance won't hurt"


Clare placed down a bowl of soup in front of everyone before yawning.

"What time did you go to bed?" Kyle asked. She shrugged.

"You didn't go to bed when I told you too huh?" Daniel stated, raising his eyebrow. Clare giggled nervously. He shook his head. He opened his mouth to continue speaking but the doorbell rung.

"I'll get that" Clare said and made her way towards the front door. She peeked through the door hole, seeing two young girls around 15. She opened the door slightly.


"You're Clare" One said with awe, probably a fan.


"Look it's kind of private, may we come in?" The other said. Clare looked around, thinking about it. They can't be dangerous.

"Alright, come in" She said and opens the door wide enough for them.

"Now, why are you here?" She asked almost instantly after she closed the door.

"I'm mia and this is molly"

Clare nodded, her arms crossed. She still waiting for their response. The girls noticed the tension and got to the point.

Mia sighed, "We were the ones that posted that video of lucy"


"We swear we didn't know how serious everything was going to turn out! We didn't mean for any of this to happen"

Clare sighed, "Well it has. If you two only came here to come clean, then leave. We already have enough trouble"

Molly spoke up, "No, we're here to help"

"Oh really? What help can you two be?"

"Well we sorta have a close connection with the mayor"

Clare took interest in this.

"How so?"

"Our father works for him" Mia said.

"Yes our father won't spill any information to us" Molly continued.

Mia spoke again, "But we have access to the town council building"

Molly took her turn, "We are willing to sneak as much information you guys need to help. It might be illegal but it's for a good cause"

Clare looked at them, "why are you doing this?"

The girls looked at each other before looking back at her, Molly spoke. "We recently found out that one of our best friends was a vampire. She hid it so well from us, from everyone. Just to be accepted. She was killed on the streets just a few days ago and after witnessing Lucy..we feel terrible"

Clare felt herself soften, "Alright, thank you"

The girls nodded. Clare crouched down, placing her hands on their shoulders.

"But please. Be careful"

Hi Im alive- Anyways! Sorry for the delay and short chapter but I just posted my new book! Its called "Our Destiny" Its a fantasy/romance story and I'm honestly excited to write more! Of course with finishing this story as well. Please check it out for me. Bye love you guys!

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