The pictures were horrifying. 

Stuff like that usually sent Catherine into a whole new dimension, even besides the crap from Christopher Jenkins. She was hungry for war and everything they had to do with it. She was tired of hearing things happen and still be found sitting here, watching it in front of her and not be able to do a thing. Lizzie was more apt to talk Catherine off the ledge though.

" I swear, the minute I get into war, I'm shooting every Kraut in a 100 mile radius." Catherine spat one night, as she slumped down on bed.

" Hey, Cath," Lizzie said sitting beside her on the bed and gently rubbing her back, " we'll get there soon, but this training, we need it."

" I know," Catherine sighed, running a hand over her face, " it's just I'm tired of hearing all this stuff and I'm still sitting here on this bunk."

" We all are." Hazel said softly and Catherine smiled sadly. 


Lena Parker had been outside, watering the plants in her vegetable garden as the hot Tennessee sun beat down on her back, Daisy lapping at a bowl of water, when footsteps approached her.

" Are you Ms. Parker?" Lena turned and stood to face a group of men, a bunch of farmers from the county farm.

" Yes, I am." Lena said stepping forward.

" Formally, Mrs. Hilton?" he asked. She nodded. That was before her husband had up and left. Parker would always be her maiden name, and be the one she used the rest of her life.

" We were just wondering where your daughter is, she hasn't stopped by to pick up your annual supply of groceries yet." he said.

" She didn't tell you?" Lena asked them. The farmer raised a brow.

" She signed up for the WAC, the Women's Army Corps." Lena said.

" That so?" another farmer asked. Lena nodded.

" She's doing exceptionally well," Lena said to him.

" She gonna visit soon, we'd love to show her the new chickens we have." the farmer said. Lena's blood ran cold.

" No, actually, she's in the top command, she has to remain there, in San Diego." Lena told them. The farmer raised a brow at her.

" Charity Wells from down the street just came back on leave from the WAC, so we thought your daughter would be back. She couldn't get a break?" the farmer asked.

" No, she just told me in her most recent letter. They had her doing all sorts of stuff up there. It's crazy. She's doing lots of training, to then train other WAC members." Lena explained. One of the other farmers in the back was looking at her oddly. Daisy growled but Lena just gripped her collar.

" Is there anything else you need?" Lena asked the trio.

" No," the lead farmer said, " but when she does finally get a chance to visit, tell her to stop on by." Lena nodded with a small forced smile, her heart racing.

" I will," Lena said with a nod. The lead farmer smiled and then turned away the second one following. The third looked at her as she stood there.

" Why hasn't she visited?" he asked her.

" Like I said, she's growing close to top command there and doesn't have much time to visit on break." Lena told him, " Now if you could please get off my property, I have things to attend to and do." The farmer watched her and then glared. 

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