Fifth Story - The way out - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -

4 years ago

Through the months and years I have been trapped, I always wondered what freedom would feel like. Getting to choose what I want to do. How I can make the decisions and choose the life I want, one I can control. Not given a life. I wish to be a normal child more than anything. But I am stuck. I will always be stuck. Only one day of my life could I escape, it is on my 18th birthday. It is the day all that I have worked for will be rewarded. Though to me it is not a reward, it is a result. It is the result of being chosen.                                                                                                      

If only it was that simple. Getting out is harder than anything I know possible. It could take seconds before they realise your gone, and in those seconds you run. Only with pure and strong determination I could have a chance. But risking my life, my brother’s life, is something I could never forgive myself for. But the pain of the deep black bruises exposed on my body, tell me to risk what i have, because i don’t have much at all.

They force and push me every day, until my lungs burn and my legs collapse. My vision blurs and the other around me shake their heads in disapprovement, thinking how will I make it to the top and lead the rest of them, when I can’t fight without falling. But they know I am the best, they know after I have grown, I will be unstoppable and I could fight and not stop. But it wouldn’t be me; I would be under their power and influence.   

Each day is a new challenge, one I don’t want to face. I can’t say no, it is not an option. My older brother has fit in perfectly with the rest, he often feels proud by me and thanks me for bring him into this life. I never reply. How can I when I don’t agree? When I think everything that has happened to both of us is my fault. He doesn’t realize it, because he is lost under their control. I almost lost it once, but I always reminded myself of what they want me for. That is probably why I what to leave, need to leave, because I will be the leader, with my brother and the others are my pawns.

I never knew why they chose me, and I still don’t. They refuse to tell me. But what I do know is, I am not staying to find out.    

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