Second Story - Behind the Music - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Before going on stage most people would feel nerves, and other may find it exhilarating and thrilling. I on the other hand feel neither of these. I don’t feel scared, or excited. I feel regret.

I know most people may dream of my life, of being in my world, but believe me they shouldn’t. I act fine, and like I am having the time of my life in front of the cameras. But behind the cameras, I am just trapped in a world I don’t want to be in.

I hide behind the lifestyle that has been created from me. But not for me. Someone saw my talent, and took advantage from it. They force me to do tours and travel the world, becoming a well-known super star. I give them the money, and they don’t hurt me. What do I get out of this? The spot light of being famous, or the sharing of my music?  No I get nothing.

I enjoy writing music, playing instruments and singing the lyrics I write. That is the only things I have left. Only the peace of my music, and the slight happiness it brings me.

Ever since I was sixteen years old, I have been taken from my normal life, and forced to have this one for two years. I don’t know how long I have left to with stand this torture, but I don’t think I could survive another two years.

I wish I could have changed that one day. If I had, everything would have gone differently. If I hadn’t gone to that stupid band audition. If I hadn’t walked home in the dark when I had lost track of time. If I had only looked behind me before it was too late, and seen the paint scratch car coming towards me. I could still be with my family. 

I remember that very day vividly in the front of my mind. Every day I replay it hoping it was only a thought or a dream, not the horrible memory it is. Sometimes I imagine what my life would be like now, home with my family and friends. I hope it to be what I dream of.


Why did I get dragged into this? All I want to do is escape to the warmth of my bedroom, sit on my comfy sofa, and let my fingers guild along the strings of my favourite guitar. That’s all I ever want to do after a long day of tiring school, to forget about the endless amounts of homework and the annoying students at my school. Just relax into the soft melody, and the feel of the guitar in a snug position on my lap. 

But no that’s not what I am doing. I am now waiting in line with my best friends Abby, to get into this new band which is the currently the rave of the school. I personally don’t see what the fuss is about. I admit the main singer and guitarist is pretty handsome, and that is why most of the girls from my school are here. All they want to do is get his attention. But other than that they aren’t even that good. Okay maybe I am being a bit of an idiot, they are really good. When I mean really good, I mean they can sing with a voice people would die for, and can play instruments like it is effortless.

Massive turns up of people surround the relatively small school hall. The stage is positioned at the front, and chairs cover the whole floor, all occupied with parents and students of the school. The line of people I am currently in, takes up the whole back stage. Even worse, because Abby dragged me hear last minute, I am last in line. Just perfect. Not.

“OH MY GOD. I am next. I don’t even know what I am going to sing. What if they don’t like me!! What if I mess up!!” Abby shrieked into my ear. Her breathing became uneven, and she started holding onto my arm with a deadly grip to stay upright.

“You will do well. Trust me. You are so much better than all the other girls here. I mean most of them are just getting up on stage and screaming into the microphone” I comfort her, and gently pull from her grip when she starts to relax.

“You really think so, Zara?” she replied.

“Yeah I do. Listen to the girl up their now” we both turned our head to the stage.

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