Fourth Story - Who am i? - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Leave

This is chapter two, it might be a bit rushed and will have spelling mistakes. Thanks for reading :)

hope you like it :) :)

enjoy :) 


It’s a late night of my 17th birthday. I slowly and quietly ease the front door open. I step out onto the damp concrete, as I close the door. The stormy weather reminded me of the night. The night i saw my mother’s face. I push back the memory and think of anything else.

I try to move my feet, but they seem to weigh ten times my weight. Come on, come on. Why was i being a coward? I can do this, i have to do this, and I can’t live through this pain.

 I remind myself why I am doing this, replaying helpful quotes. I take one huge breath in, which burns my lung but I am use to the pain by now, and I walked away from my old life. Walk away from my father, and a place I have started to call home.

I wanted to say goodbye, but it would just be harder to leave. I groan in annoyance. Why me? I don’t even understand. I’m not sure why i am even doing this. As far as i know it could be a trick. Though deep down i know it is not.

I silently made my way to the train station, not too far away. The heavy rucksack hurts my shoulder, and makes the usual pain worse. Though it may be weird but, since I have stepped out of my home the pain is slowly fading. I can feel the weight being lifted; it makes me sigh out in relief. It has been a long time since I have felt this way. It must have been at least 7 years.  

I hurry my way along the street, passing dark houses with the occasional light. The lamp post light flickers and then suddenly stops, leaving me in darkness.

 I walk with memory in my head, imagining everything in front and around me. My dark purple hair hung down in long wavy curls to my waist. The light breeze swayed my hair across my eyes; I push it away and tie it up in a loose pony tail.

I can hear voices from every corner, though I know it is my imagination. I am being paranoid, but still I move faster into a jog.

How has my life got to this? Ever since my mother died, my life has changed. I am no longer close with my dad, and my friends have abandoned me. It seems like a short time since my mother went, but it was 7 years ago. And in those 7 years everything is different. I have moved house numbers of times; I can remember memories and live them back so vividly. I have no idea what I am? Or who I am? But I do know obviously I am not normal, and other people out there are the same as me. Nothing is ever what it seems.

I round the corner into the main town, and slow down to a fast walk. My breath was coming out uneven and my feet hurt from the useless convers trainers. The skinny jeans drag on the ground, worn out and old.

I cry out in surprise as i hit something hard, making me stumble to the ground. Heaving a big sigh i lift myself back up. My eyes focused on the person in front of me. The man’s eyes gloomy and shadowy, stare back at me. 

His face bruised and swollen. The left eye was black and red, with a trail of blood running down his cheek. Although he looked to be troublesome, he had a weird pull of liking. I found myself drifting towards liking him, even though I didn’t even know him. He wore a black hoodie, and black jeans which dragged on the ground the same as mine.

He looked to be about nineteen maybe twenty. But beneath his eyes held wisdom. It scared me with the thought of it. Now I know of more living, or maybe not living things are out there, it frightens me still with the idea it could be true.   

I flicker my gaze to the ground, turning to push past him.

The man grumbles and reaches for my arm. I open my mouth the scream, but i was cut off with a hand pushed against it. I looked up to the man’s face, and he presses a finger to his lips.

Quiet. He wants me to be quiet. Who the heck was he? He can’t tell me what to do.

I pulled my arm back to aim at his face, but he seemed to of realized and stopped my hand from becoming a fist. I twist my body around, trying to release his grasp. He just sighed again.

Then a fist came towards my face.  


I woke to the feeling of a wet, damp, cold ground peircing my skin.

I made it to the iron gates, and pushed them open with all my strength. Then I looked up to the darkening clouds shadowing the darker building.

Then I stepped into my new life.    

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