Second Story - Behind the Music - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I don’t remember much of that night. I distinctly remember being pulled up from the ground and hulled through the stadium. The person who did this I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t care. At that moment I couldn’t care less. All I want to do is run into the crowd of my fans, and crush Abby into a hug. Something I haven’t had in years.

A black limo took me to a hotel that night. The journey could have been one minute long or one hour, but they both felt the same. The only thing on my mind was the possibility of escaping, and the glimpse of the life I use to have or the one I should be living. I felt hope at that moment, although I knew I was not lucky enough to wish it. I see myself as the most unlucky person ever. Maybe it is karma, though I don’t remember doing anything drastic enough to result in this. Things happen for a reason though. Don’t they?

The last thing I remember was being thrown onto a bed. It collapsed under my weight and I sunk into the softness of the pillows and sheets. Then exhaustion of my emotions consumed me into blackness.  

“GET UP. NOW” screamed the devil of a woman, knocking me out of the perfect dream.

I groaned and turned my head to the side to see light pouring in from behind the curtains, which were being roughly pulled away from the window by Chariot. She had a frown plastered onto her evil face. I have never seen her smile, other than when she gets the satisfaction of making my life hell.        

She has a slender figure, and is extremely tall from her modelling days. Her blonde straight hair is shaped around her face above her skinny shoulders, and she has light blue eyes. She is the perfection to many men, but to me she is a horrid creature.     

“WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING LAYING DOWN?” she shouted while forcefully grabbing and whipping the sheets off of me. “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS? YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME”        

I staggered to my feet. Year ago I would have got to my feet as quick as I could of because I was scared. But now I don’t feel scared. They need me. I know they threaten my family if I do something wrong, but as long as I bring them money they couldn’t care less about anything else.   

“Sorry. But I would like to sleep in after a concert” I said in a relax voice, trying to calm down her flaming temper.

“Would you now?” she quirked an eyebrow and a wicked expression crossed her face.     

“Isn’t that what I just said?” I shot back, answering her question with one of my own.

“Don’t back sass me!” she screeched in her annoying high pitched voice. “Show me some respect!”

I almost laughed at that. Why should I respect her? Taking me from my family earns her respect. Stupid women.

“I won’t show you anything” I say calmly “Now if you will excuse me I need the bathroom” I made my way passed her to the door at the end of the room.    

“How dare you! Look up to me as a role model! I have worked hard to take care of you. In return you should be kind to me” she cried loudly.

“You have not taken care of me! You have taken me from my life. You have given me a life I have never wanted!” I shouted back losing my temper.

She marched over to me, with an angry expression on her face. Lifting her hand she slapped me over the face. “Don’t be ungrateful to me little girl” she said, and then she went out of the room.

I stood there for a few minutes containing my fury. It would not do me good to run after her and tackle her to the ground. Although she does deserves it. She can think she can control me all she wants, but I have survived two years and from now I will not stand for her crap.

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