Third Story - The Accident - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - 

Jakes POV -

I stand watching her sprint from the silent classroom. I don’t know what to do. Oh god what is she feeling right now. I need to be with her to make sure she will be okay. My heart throbs with the thought of her by herself.

I start to follow when a figure blocks my path. I look up into Mr.Peacock face. A hint of concern and anxiety is shown on this eyes, although he is trying very hard to keep it from the rest of the students.

"Please sit down Jake" he said quietly, but not too quiet that it is a whisper.

"No" i say firmly and move to go around him. Although Mr.Peacock i quite a tall man, he is nowhere near wide or strong enough to stop me coming past him.

"Sit down, or i will give you detention" he said louder and stricter that the chatter of people behind me got quieter, and i imagine that all their faces are looking at me right now. But who the hell is he to tell me to sit down. I have to go to Tess. He will give me detention if i don’t sit down, that’s stupid. So i am not allowed to comfort my friend, because i bet she is freaking out.

"Now!" Mr.Peacock almost shouted at me.

Rage started to boil and my hand tightened into fist at my side. He is seriously making me sit down. Are you kidding me?

Sighing with defeat i sit down at my desk. If he won’t let me go i will wait until after class, then skip the rest of the day. I pull my phone out of my front pocket, and texted Tess.

Hi r u okay?

I expected to get a reply soon, like how she normal does, but no message came through. I started to panic even more now, just with the thought of her drunken excuse of a sister driving her to the hospital. I really hate Becky. God her sister makes my blood boil.

I remember the first time I went to Tessa’s house after her sister was old enough to drink. We walked into the kitchen to get some drinks for studying for the tests we had coming up, and we saw Becky passed out on the floor next to the fridge. She had a wine bottle in her hand, tipped to the side and red liquid slowly flowed out as she moved in her unconscious state.

Tessa simple moved around her and opened the fridge door. She pulled out two bottles of water, throwing one to me as she knelt to the ground. I came out of my shock to catch the bottle just in time. Tessa moved the wine from her sister’s grip, while telling me to phone for an ambulance. She sounded so calm. I obeyed her, and phoned '999. She then checked that Becky was breathing, and put her hand behind her head to see blood. It must have been what made her pass out, by banging it on the fridge or something. I can’t really remember what happened next, but I do remember the poker face Tessa had. She didn’t once glance in my direction. It almost seemed like she had done this millions of times before.

That’s when I realized what a massive idiot her sister was. Not from being an alcoholic, well sort of. She may not be able to help that, but then again she may. But the reason I hate her is the pain Tessa has had to go through. The pain she and her family have had to go through. I don’t think I could ever forgive her sister, not even if she got down on her knees and begged for forgiveness from her family.

The saddest thing is Becky use to be the best big sister Tessa could have asked for. Tessa would come into school, and be talking about the things Becky said, the things she did, and how much she admired her. I think that was the biggest thing that broke Tessa. The realization that her sister has changed, and that she is no longer the loving big sister she looked up to.  

I was pulled out of my daze when Kelly hit me on the shoulder. Her hit slightly hurt, but she wasn’t even using all of her strength.

“What” I mouthed at her.

“Is Tess okay?” she mouthed back.

“I don’t know, she hasn’t text back” Kelly raised her eyebrows in confusion, so I said it again slower.

She had a worried frown plastered onto her face, and her hands were clasped together on her knees. When I looked over at Drake, he was chewing on his lip and drumming his fingers against the desk looking up at the clock. I then looked up at the clock.

Come on. Come one. Go faster.

Tessa’s POV –

My eyes feel heavy. Not from lack of sleep, but from the aching in my heart. I don’t know how long it has been since I went to sleep. It wasn’t really sleeping though; it was more like a never ending hole of darkness.

I moved my head slightly to the right. I don’t remember lying in a comfortable position, especially with me head on something soft, and it has a recognisable smell. I remember my head falling on the edge of the hospital bed, and then the overpowering feelings of sadness overtook me into darkness.

Slightly, I moved my head to the right, until it was facing upwards. Slowly, I open my eyes. I didn’t know what to expect. I would have thought a nurse had moved me onto the couch at the side of the room, but instead I was looking up to one of my best friends face. Jake.

A let out a sigh of relief, and comfort. He seemed to of heard me, and his eyes opened quickly, almost so fast that it was hard to tell they were closed in the first place.

“Hey” he said in a whisper, lightly stroking my hair to behind my ear.

“Hi” I answered back, or I think I did. I tried to make a noise come out, but it was more of a croak.

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