Uhtred woke before Brida, he swung open the curtains slightly so that he may watch the morning sky, there on the rooftop he spotted Khaana, sitting calmly while her eyes watched the village. He thought of all she had said to him, and he felt he was ready, he had to be. The villagers were up and at work, clearing as much as they could from the rain of the night, thatched roofs still dripped from rain water, and some villagers were emptying pails that had caught leaks.

Khaana saw Uhtred off from her perch, her eyes following him as he wandered through the streets, back to the smith.

The Smith held the sword with pride as Uhtred approached "I gave her some beauty" the Smith said, holding the blade out to Uhtred "but at her heart she is a tool, nothing less and..." The Smith paused, he remembered what it was the strange woman had told him in the night and the gem she paid him with. The smith couldn't bring himself to utter the words "nothing more."

Uhtred examined the sword, he gave it a few swing after glancing over its craftsmanship.  "She's exactly as I had hoped, and more." Uhtred said, unable to tear his eyes away from the blade which seemed to fit perfectly in his hands. "We said ten?" Uhtred questioned. "We said eight." The Smith corrected, Uhtred gave him an impressed smile "she's worth ten." Uhtred said.

The Smith gave a bit of a nod and Uhtred was quick to pay him the remaining silver pieces he owed, "thank you" Uhtred said. "No thank you." the Smith replied.

From the roof tops Khaana spotted a band of figures slinking into the city, the donned furs and mail armor. She grimaced "the peace did not last as long as I would have hoped" she thought to herself, taking the form on the hound she hunched down watching, taking a glance back at Uhtred at the Black Smith's before going to follow the unwanted soldiers.

"You should know, lord,  there are men asking of you." The Smith warned Uhtred. "saxon or Dane?" Uhtred asked quickly, glancing about. "take your pick." said the the Smith. Uhtred looked to the man who had his eyes stuck to the sword "make her sing." the Smith urged.

Khaana narrowed her eyes down at what were clearly danes, "they do not bare Ubba's colors." she thought to herself. "and they smell of saltwater...these are Kjartan's men." 

Using her Illusions she called shadow wolves to her, the smokey whisp like creatures started to bay and howl. The warriors looked up to the roof tops but saw nothing, Snarling surrounded them and hte shadow wolves nipped at the men's heels while villager sheirked and fled. "you will leave this place as you are not welcome." Khaana called to them, hidden from their eyes.

"he is protected by the likes of Hati and Sköll..." one of the warriors murmured backing away from the wolves. "or call the les of Geri and Freki, we are all ravenous, and should you not leave here you will serve our hunger for a time." Khaana called. The danes did not flee the town but ran from the shadow wolves. Khaana smirked pleased with herself as she panted in  laughter. "you run? we live for a chase." Khaana called after them, she sang a loud howl that washed over the village like a wave, and her shadow wolves howled with her, making chase.

Khaana followed quietly behind htem fromt he rooftops, counting hte men "no more than five or six" she murmured.

Uhtred rushed back to thier rooms, "Brida, brida!" he called, Brida looked up at him mildly alarmed "what is it?" she asked. Uhtred urged her to get up and collect thier things "there are men looking for us." He said. "from Ubba?" Brida asked.

"I do not know, it is both Saxon and Danes, and it seems we keep picking up more enemies as we go!" Uhtred called letting Brida runahead of him. "where did Khaana go?" Brida asked. "out there hopefully buying us time." Uhtred said.

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