Uhtred smiled at her words and gave his head a slight bow before reaching out with one hand to hug her. The hug was brief as Uhtred started to sniffle, Khaana shoved him away "now, none of that. Try to save the water works for when you actually succeed." Khaana teased him. Uhtred laughed and gave her a nod "I am off to Brida." he announced taking his leave. 

Brida had just washed herself and now dried her feet while relaxing in her tunic, she's removed all the heavy leather to rest. "We should be safe for now." Uhtred reported to her, he looked over Brida and could tell that something had her skittish. "The people here say Danes rarely visit this place." Uhtred added, he fixed the furs on his side of the bed, when he received no true reply from Brida he walked to join her at her side. "Brida, what did Storri say to you that caused you to bind his mouth, unclothe him, sling him over the horse and...well" Uhtred asked.

Brida stopped drying her feet and swiped some of her hair away from her face "He threw a curse" she said casually. Uhtred looked at her with slight worry "saying what?" He asked.  "It's not important" Brida said looking to Uhtred as the rains tarted to pour outside their room a sly smirk slip from cheek to cheek, "I responded with a branch." she said.

Uhtred laughed quietly, reaching out he gently brushed her hair away from her neck and over her shoulder causing Brida to pause. He looked  at her softly, and leaned over kissing behind her ear "what?" Brida asked, fighting the tingles he was sending down her spine. "You know what I am doing." Uhtred murmured.  leaning on her more closely he trailed his kisses down her neck, Brida shied away "I don't want to." she said. 

Uhtred instantly pulled away from her, resting his arms on his knees as he sat at the edge of the bed. He exhaled and looked into the rainy streets, "If you want to go to the Danes, then go,  find a new lord I will not stop you." Uhtred said. Brida looked at him in both disbelief and offense. 

Uhtred could feel her eyes cutting into him "it is me they wish to kill." he said quickly. 

"You sound like a brat child, Uhtred." Brida said with dry words. Uhtred refused to look at her, and indeed he was sulking, much like a child. "I am simply giving you a choice." he said. 

Brida rolled her eyes "you are talking through your arse." Brida shot back. Uhtred sat up and looked at her "I am sitting on my ass." he said pointedly. Brida leered at him "well look there, your arse is cleverer than you, it can do two things at once." Brida replied quickly, "thank you." Uhtred pouted, but he could not hold it long before he started to chuckle "you have a sharp tongue woman." He said sitting up to look at Brida more clearly.

Khaana who had  covered herself in furs ventured into the rain, she lingered a few steps away from the room the two shared and smiled to herself as she heard them giggling playfully. She left into the streets and quietly found her way to a rooftop. Sitting there Khaana enjoyed the rain around her and tried to prepare herself for the road to come. Down before she could see Brida running a wide smile on her face as Uhtred chased her.

Khaana shook her head and couldn't hold in her laughter "they will never grow old" she said to herself, she slid off the rooftop, landing gracefully but causing a wandering child to yelp in surprise. Khaana looked back at her and chuckled before going off to survey the rest of the village. She would need to know it well should trouble find them, from its small spaces, to its rooftops and hideaways.

Night came swiftly, Khaana stood at a distance and watch the smith put the finishing touches to a blade, the tip still glowing a brilliant orange from the forges fires. "Have you made it your sharpest?" Khaana called, the Smith looked up at her. He was wary but there was a soothing air around Khaana, which calmed his spirit. "Aye, I have, she has beauty and will hold true through, unbending" said the Smith. Khaana, reached into a small pouch held at her hip "I have no silver for you, but you have helped my boy more than you will know."  in her hand was a small green gem, it looked plain in the dark, but she held it out to the Smith and his eyes shimmered. "I cannot accept this." he murmured, holding the green gem to the firelight where it did sparkle and glint as he turned it about. "And I cannot take it back, that sword is worth well more than that gem is, take it. store it, sell what have you." Khaana said calmly, "tell him nothing," she laughed, "for I will never hear the end of it if he does." Khaana warned, leaving the smith in saw she returned to her room and went to settle in the bed.

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