" I am happy you know, she didn't got repulsed when she met you......I mean her health is improving, she is slowly becoming the Anu we know." She said happily and Siddharth just nodded his head looking down.

" She will come around beta, don't worry......just give her some time." She said looking at his pained face.

" Yeah." He sighed loudly rubbing his face.

" I will go now, she will get doubt if I stay longer " Sid said turning to leave.

" Oh, let her think whatever she wants, it's high time now. I am not going to leave you as you have come here after so many days and don't worry I will cover for her." Her mother said excited.

Siddharth just laughed at her.

" Your clothes are still here.....I will bring them." She said and left.

He just looked around the house examining everything. He is used to their house in Karolbagh but this house feels new to him as he had just come here only once or maybe twice.

Soon, Anu's mother brought his clothes and he left to change. He came after 10 minutes and went to kitchen to see Anu's mother preparing his favourite coffee.

" Wow.....I missed this." He said sipping his coffee making her smile.

" Where is Uncle?" Siddharth asked.

" He is in Karolbagh beta. He had some work with my brother and so he went there, may be he will come tomorrow." She said.

At the mention of Karolbagh, his mind flashed with many memories.

Anu took a warm shower and changed into some warm clothes. She came into the living room and heard laughs. She peeked from a corner and saw both her mother and Siddharth were laughing sitting on the dining table.

She doesn't know why but her heart fluttered at the scene in front of her.

" They really did that!" Her mother asked and he nodded.

" You both have such great friends who worries about you so much." She said.

" That we do but sometimes they go  extreme." Siddharth said shaking his head.

Anu wants to know what they were talking about but she couldn't understand anything.

" Stop eavesdropping our conversation and come out now." Siddharth said without turning making Anu's mom look behind him where she saw Anu behind a wall.

Anu stood rooted in her place embarrassed.

" I was not eavesdropping." She said walking towards them.

" Yeah sure." He said making her mother laugh.

" How did you even know I was standing there?" She asked him frowning.

" I just know." He said and looked away.

Anu's mother has a knowing smile on her face looking at both of them.

" From where do you got those clothes to change?" She asked admiring his look in casuals.

" They were in my car in my gym bag." He said to her sipping his coffee.

" Where did you got changed?" She asked.

" Will you stop asking questions?" He asked irritated. He doesn't want to lie but she is making him lie asking questions.

She rolled her eyes at him and turned towards her mother who is looking at them amused.

" Ma, I want coffee too." She asked her.

Her mother brought her some coffee.

" So Ma, this is Siddharth.....he......." She was cut off by him.

" We already had our introductions." Sid muttered making her glare at him.

" Thanks for the coffee aunty, I will be leaving now." Siddharth said getting up.

Anu's face fell as she doesn't want him to go.

" No it's still raining beta, please wait until it stops." Her mother said.

" I will go in my car only so I won't get drenched." He wanted to leave as he  doesn't know how many lies he had to say if he stays more.

" Please stay beta." Her mom insisted.

" But....." He was cut off by Anu.

" Will you stop arguing and stay for some time?" She asked annoyed for what she doesn't know but she wants him to stay.

" Okay." He shrugged and sat down.

Anu looked at him shocked as he didn't argue with her and just listened to her as if he waited for her to ask him to stay.

Her mom smiled at them and went to the kitchen to prepare for dinner.

Siddharth got some calls and he was busy talking on phone while Anu switched on the T.V as she was feeling bored.

After sometime he also joined her and watched a movie with her. They were sitting beside each other and watching a movie together just like old times. Without realising, Anu leaned her head on his shoulder making him surprise.

As an instinct, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder making her comfortable which made her smile.

It wasn't awkward or anything, it was like it was meant to be.

She didn't forget the flashes she saw in the rain, she didn't forget the familiarity of his touch when she was in his arms, she didn't ignore the nervousness she saw in him when she was asking him questions, she didn't ignore how her mother was so comfortable with a stranger in their house, she didn't ignore her mother's behaviour with Siddharth as if he is  like a family member.

She didn't ignored anything, she noticed each and everything which only proved her theory that Siddharth was a part of her past and Siddharth might be the one she always dreams about.

With all these thoughts running in her mind, she doesn't know when she had fallen asleep. When Siddharth saw her sleeping, he ran his hand in her hair kissing her forehead.

Anu's mother who came there to call them for dinner stopped in her tracks looking at the scene which warmed her heart and tears formed in her eyes. She saw them like this after months and she wants them to be like this forever. She cannot bear any one of them getting hurt in all this process. They had beared a lot and she just wants them to be together and happy.......that's all.

Siddharth carried her to her bedroom and made her sleep on her bed. This is the first time he came to this room and looked around but it was nothing like he saw in the past. He sighed sadly and sat beside her. He just stared at her for sometime till he felt content and kissed her forehead muttering 'I love you' before leaving.


To be Continued............

So what do you all think about the chapter?

Stay Tuned.............

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