Chapter 17

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When Princess White came back she had a beautiful wand and a large book in her arms. She also had various jars and bottles with strange shapes and sizes. She went over into the kitchen and opened some of the containers she had struggled to bring into the room. She added the tear of a widow, the leg of a ravin, the tail of a lizard and the blood of a unicorn. (Remember this story isn't supposed to take place in the real world... You are in Wonderland, therefore unicorns are real!!)
"Here Johnny, drink this, the spell will hurt if you don't." Princess White said. I drank it all quickly. It tasted horrible, but at the same time I felt like I would enjoy another cup. "Ok Heart, Michael, could you come and sit behind me please? Thank you." She said. She then waved her wand and muttered some words in a foreign language. All of a sudden everything around me faded to a blur.


Hey guys so sorry this is a short chapter but I'm about to write a Michael's POV so hope you guys are excited for that!! Enjoy. Please vote and comment.

~Lindsay!! Xxxxxxxxxx💖

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