Chapter 6

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As I said I would be, I was at the butcher at 3:46 waiting for Michael to come at 3:47. I was looking at my watch which I had received from my parents on my 10th birthday. It was a bit bashed up and ruined bit I wasn't ever going to see them again and it still worked. It's very special to me. '...3,2,1...' I counted on my watch and as the seconds hand hit zero I heard gunshots! And from around the corner came Michael using a hand gun to shoot a van that was chasing him and shooting back. When he got close enough to me he pushed me into an ally that was next to the butcher.

"What was all that about?!" I exclaimed, but we was too out of breath to answer me, and he was holding his breath from shock.

"Sssssshhhhhhhh!!!!!" he said so I sssssshhhhhhhhed. After everything was completely silent, he doubled over and starter taking deep breaths and moaning in pain.

"Well let's just say I... went gambling and lost... big time." He said in between breaths.

Ummmm...m... Michael, that blood?" I asked worriedly.

"Uh... yeah don't worry bout it. So h...heres the stuffff." He breathed out. He sounded in pain, and I got a little worried.

"A...are you sure your ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I...m just haavin a bbit trouble breathing. Here, please go." He said holding out the mercury.

"Ok...? Do you want me to call someone?" I asked. I was really worried. I had only known him for a couple of days and he was my best friend.

"No just go!" he said as he fell to the ground.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, although I wasn't so sure.

"Yes. maybe. I don't know!" he said. He said as his breathing became even more uneasy.

"Ok goodbye Michael." I gulped with a lump in my throat.

"B...b...bye." He said them I left.


Thanks for reading!! Xxxxxxxxxx💖

~Lindsay!! Xx

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