Chapter 7

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When I got to the Forrest which I called home, I had left the other materials I needed to make the hat in a hole in a tree. I couldn't stop thinking about Michael lying the on the ground in so much pain while I was making my hat. When I was done I was very proud of the hat I'd made. It was a black top hat with a red ribbon tied round the rim. I also used a curby grip to attach the size on the side. It was size 6/10, the king of wonderlands size. Once I was done I tried to get some sleep. I just couldn't shut my eyes knowing someone who had shown me such kindness was possibly dead! After about 43 minutes of lying on a tree branch attempting sleep I decided to go and see if he was still there and if he was, was he still alive? I set off back to the ally next to the butcher where I'd last seen Michael. I didn't want to lose the hat I'd made so I wore it there. When I got there I was just about to turn the corner into the alley when I approached a street light where I realised my hands were a little green. I was convinced it was just my imagination so I turned into the alley. When I realised that there was no one there my eyes began to fill with tears. I didn't know what to think. Then...

"Psssst! Johnny!" there was only one person in the world who called me Johnny, and that one person was Michael!

"Michael?! Where are you?!" I shouted.

"Over here! behind the wheely-bin!" He said as loud as he could (can't really say he shouted).

"There you are! I was so worried about you!" I said trying not to look like I was crying.

"Haha I can see that! Your eyes are all red and puffy and there's tears all over your cheeks." He smirked with a slight laugh in his voice.

"What are you talking about?!" I said in the most manly way possible.

"Ok, ok." he said sarcastically then I asked,

"So how are you still alive exactly and is there anything I can help with?"

"Um well yeah actually! I've stopped the bleeding but this bullet is still bloody sore! Could you help in any way at all?" At this point I was worried I would have to look at blood and guts, which, little did I know, was true.

"Can you walk? 'Cause I could take you to my...well... home I guess you could call it... and help you." He was in quite a lot of pain and I could tell because of the shimmer of tears in his eyes.

"Yeah I think I could but I'm back here because I heard those guys earlier so I hid here." He said. I stood for a while in thought.

"Why don't you put your collar up and you can wear my hat and they won't know it's you." that was the best thing I could think of.

"Ok let's give it a shot." He said, so we put up his collar and put the top hat over like half of his face because it was a little big for him but I guess that was a good thing. He was right, because just round the corner on the way to the forrest we saw the van. Michael stood next to the wall with me infornt, blocking the vans view of him. When we finally turned the last corner to the forrest I sighed in relief that the van didn't stop us.

"Come this way." I said as we walked thorough the forrest.

"Which way? I can't see!" he chuckled trying not to hurt himself.

"You can take the hat of now Michael!." I laughed back. So he took it off and rubbed his eyes. Probably because the sun was rising and it was dark last time he saw anything. When we got to the empty woodpeckers hole I'm the tree I had all my things in, Michael looked a bit scared.

"A...Are you going to take this bullet out of me with...with hat tools?!" he said very worriedly.

"Well it's either that or it doesn't come out at all!" I said, "or, I do suppose we could go ask Princess Heart to get the royal doctors to help you..."I smirked.

"I guess it's either this or Heart finding out about this." He said a little worried.

"Ok lie down on that big branch up there and I'll be right up, I'm gonna go wash these in that lake over there." I said, but he disagreed.

"No no no no...NO! We're going back to my apartment to do this!" he said. I had to agree. So I got the little amount of belongings I had and we left.

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