Chapter 12

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Over the next few days I made many different hats for the people in the royal family of Wonderland. I made top hats, bonnets, bubble-hats and so on. Every once in a while, I looked at my hands and when I did I noticed a sort of green tinge to them. I also began to see things that weren't really there and Michael sometimes wondered about me because he said I was saying the strangest things but I thought I always made perfect sense. One day I was working in the hatting room, makeing a lovely hat for the queen to wear at the next beheading when Michael and Princess Heart came in.

"John honey?" said Princess Heart.

"Yessssssss?!" I said.

"Umm... why did you just say 'Yessssssss' in a really creepy way?" she asked. But I didn't think I had done anything strange. According to Princess Heart I had been mumbling something when she and Michael had came in.

"I...I was?" I said. I was pretty surprised because I didn't realise it at the time.

"John, we need to talk." Michael said, but he called me John! He never called me John unless he was extremely serious! And as you probably by now know, Michael isn't a very serious person, at all!

"Ok? but first tell me, why is a ravin like a writing desk?" I said.

"Oh John, please quit this job. It's ruining you!" Princess Heart said.

"What's that supposed to mean? This job is the best thing that ever happened to me! And your telling me to quit? That's like telling a...a fish to live in the sea! A fish could never live in the sea! It would drown!" I said.

"Johnny, you can't drown a fish in water," said Michael. "Why don't you come home and chill for a while and see how you feel later. ok?" He added, but I refused.

"No! Leave me alone!!!" I yelled. I started throwing sharp things at him and Princess Heart like scissors and very sharp pins. Eventually, Michael came over to me and punched me very hard in the face, and I stopped. My nose began to bleed, but I felt no pain. I just laughed and laughed for about half a minute.

"Twinkle, twinkle little bat, How I wonder where you're at,
Up above the sky so high,
Like a tea tray!,
In the sky,
Twinkle twinkle little bat,
How I wonder where you're at!" I sung, Michael and Princess Heart looked at me sadly, but I just smiled.

"Look man, I'm sorry for punching your but we're really worried about you. When do you want to come home?" Michael asked.

"When you tell me why a ravin is like a writing desk!" I shouted.

"We don't know why, please come home." said Princess Heart.

"Ok, fine, whatever tickles your peach. Hey Michael? Remember that time that guy shot you and you nearly died? Haha, that was funnnnny!!!" I said, but I'm not sure why I said it, because Princess Heart was still there, and she did not look happy at all!

"Wait, what are you talking about? That never happened." Michael said, failing miserably to lie.

"Yeah it did! Remember, 'cause you lost that gambleing thingy and they chased you in a van and one shot you?" I said. But it didn't matter what I said anymore. Princess Heart knew what he'd been up to and she was horrified.

"You and I are going to have a little chat later." She said calmly, but I could tell inside that she was furious, but she did let Michael take me home.

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