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Today was it, today was the day I was going to confront Luke. I needed to find out why, why he was such a strange and violent human being, because I may not be as stupid as the other people my age but I was driving myself crazy sitting here trying to work out why he did this. I mean, why would you find pleasure in beating poor defenseless teenagers till they were black and blue? Sure enough I hated everyone, but I found sending them glares to indicate that they were an annoying little swine was enough to satisfy me. Maybe I was just easily pleased?

Also, by finding out about Luke's odd behaviour may help me get the attractive little shit out of my head. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking of him, I would lie and say not in a romantic way but that's not true. However, I can honestly most of the time I thought of him all I could think is why. Why someone like him would ruin his life by smashing the crap out of everyone, for no freaking reason. Luke was like me, he won't speak to anyone unless he absolutely has to, so why does he feel the need to break their bones every time he see's them. Luke was intelligent and I know if he wanted to be he could be a really nice guy.

Why why why why, I was going to break my own skull against the table if I didn't find out why.

I screamed into my pillow, I was slowly losing my mind over this. I had to find out why, right now. It wasn't the type of thing you bring up in an English, 'I think writer shows that Gemma is reflected through the character of her mother, but what the writer doesn't tell us is why you're a freaking melon head that broke little Jimmy Davies' legs last week.'

Unlocking my phone I brought up Luke's contact and typed a message.

'New message; We need to talk, are you free?x'

Almost instantly I got a reply saying he was home alone so to pop other, with his address attached at the end.

I grabbed my keys off my dresser and ran down into the living room where my mum was sprawled across the sofa shouting offensive words at some boring reality show, "I'm going over a friends, I won't be long."

I told her as I leaned against the door frame, "Ooh," she said, pausing her show and sitting up straight. "Would this someone be Luke?"

"Maybe," I replied. "We just have some things to.. Discuss."

"Discuss is it?" She winked. "Just don't be coming back pregnant."

"Mum," I groaned, hitting my head gently on the door frame.

"Not that I would blame you love, oh I was a few years younger I would."

"I think you mean 40 years younger." That was a lie, my mum had me when she was just a teen herself and she also looked much younger than she actually is, anyone would mistake her for my older sister.

"Don't be so cheeky madam." She said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, Luke is very attractive and seems pretty nice to, why haven't you nabbed him yet?"

I shrugged, how was I suppose to explain to her that the reason was because he just might be a psychopath with anger issues.

"Well I'd hurry up Yoshi, or someone else will beat you to it, you know I've been thinking about getting myself a toyboy for a while now."

"Okay, I'm going to pretend I never heard that." I cringed, "You just get back to your weekly TV dramas, I'll be back before 11, love you."

I made myself to my little snotmobile and made my way to Luke, I may only have lived here for a couple of weeks but I've been on numerous drives just to get myself familiar with the place, so I had a rough idea where Luke's house was.

x x x x x x x x x x

Knocking on Luke's door I stood back putting my hands in my jeans, but instead of the door opening my phone buzzed in my pocket.

My Sweet Escape • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now